Chapter 8: Oreo Mcflurry and heating patch

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'What? Hey monkey girl, you know I can't leave class right now. Can't you just ask for a Motrin from someone to make you feel better?' I heard him say to the other person, giving his unwanted advice it seems.

Monkey girl? I wonder who he's talking to. He hangs up his phone and I asked him if everything is okay.

'Yah, just my little sister whining about her girly problems. She hates taking pills and the only thing that helps is, don't be shocked,' he warns me, 'an oreo mcflurry and a heating patch,' he smacked the table while laughing, making fun of his sister's discomfort.

'You call your sister, monkey girl? She must be desperate if she's asking you for help,' I was kinda annoyed that he's calling her monkey girl.

She definitely not have one iota of similarity to a monkey. I frowned with concern about her dilemma.

'She gets it bad sometimes,' is all he said. I walked out of the class while he was shouting for my name and wanting to know where I'm heading, I looked back and mouthed, the bathroom.

Good thing McDonalds isn't very far, it took me 10 mins roundtrip in my car. I was glad bec. the ice cream was beginning to melt in the brown bag.

I know where her classroom is because that's where she almost tripped and fell before. I asked one of the guys where Jayden seats since I couldn't find her.

I left her remedy bag on her table and told one of the guys to make sure she gets it. I happen to meet her as she was coming out of the bathroom.

She asked me what I'm doing in her department. I just said I was looking for someone and kept walking. I looked back after a few feet and I saw her arm moving like she was rubbing her stomach. I guess it's that bad.

Jaden's POV

I walked back into my classroom while cursing my X chromosome for my aches and pains when Chris, one of my classmates, told me that some guy dropped off a bag for me.

I almost jumped for joy when I saw the MacDonalds bag, I knew my brother would come through. Score one for Mark.

I devoured the melting ice cream like it was gonna be the end of the world in less than one second. I even got a brain freeze but I didn't care.

After I was done eating, I ran back to the bathroom to put on the medicated patch, not the kind I usually use but beggars can't be choosers. After my unexpected treat and patch, I was almost back to my old self.

Just because my icky brother did a good deed for me I went straight to the store after my afternoon class and bought him his favorite junk food. When he got home I threw the bag at him and his eyes lit up when he saw what's inside.

'For me? All of it?' I can see he's already drooling. Men and their food.

'A reward for your nice behavior today, sir,' I chided.

'What nice behavior?' questioning me while trying to open his bag of chips.

'The oreo mcflurry and the patch,' I said looking at him struggling to open the bag. I grabbed it from him and tore a small opening.

He grabbed the bag, put a handful in his mouth and sat down on the sofa. He turned to me and said, 'I didn't get you those,' and added more chips in his already full mouth.

'What? Who could it be then?' I asked him in disbelief. Wait I remember seeing Alex around my classroom but Mark said it couldn't be because he saw Alex that morning.

He never said anything about leaving the campus to pick up my stuff. Then, he back tracked and confirmed my suspicion when he told me that Alex heard about our conversation on the phone.

'Does he have the hots for you?' he paused from his munching.

I immediately denied his accusation, 'No, of course not, why would he, he barely says 3 words to me.' But in the back of my mind, it's a conundrum that only Alex can answer.

I saw him the following day as he was entering the campus. I was waiting for him actually because enquiring minds need answers.

I was eating a twizzler when he saw me. I waved at him and made my way towards him. I was trying to finish my half eaten twizzler when he grabbed it from my hand and put the rest in his mouth.

I looked at him in shock and said, 'ew, you just put my germ in your mouth, you're gross.'

'Have you been kissing anyone lately?' he asked.

'Of course not,' was my immediate reply. He just walked off and said, 'good, then I won't get any coodies.' He turned around and grabbed another twizzler from the bag this time.

I followed him towards his classroom, I had to half run and half walk since he seems to be in a hurry all of a sudden.

'Alex, slow down. I wanna ask you something,' grabbing on to his sleeve.

He slowed down and turned, 'what?' I let go of his sleeve as he was looking at where my hand is attached to.

I got shy and looked down on my shoes because it would be embarrassing if my suspicion is wrong. I felt him grab my chin with his index finger and made me look up. How tall is he again, '5'8''? 6 ft? My neck hurt a little because it got hyperextended.

He looked at me in the eyes while waiting patiently. I finally got the courage to asked, 'were you the one who dropped off the oreo ice cream and the heating patch yesterday?' I blurted it out finally.

He just smiled and walked off. I was right, I knew it, I ran after him again.

'Why did you do that?' asking him when I caught up with him.

'Why not, it's the least I can do after all the things you've done for Caleb,' he said, catching me off-guard.

What else is there to say but I gave him my sincere thanks and said goodbye to him.

Alex's POV

What am I doing? I can't believe I grabbed the half eaten  candy from her hand. But I couldn't stop myself, she looked so adorable eating that twizzler. Damn male hormone, thank God she didn't punch me in the face.

I had to walk away from her fast because I could feel my face heating up after what I just did. I tried to play it cool so she won't get suspicious especially when she started asking me about the ice cream and the patch. I was glad she just let it go and left.

I saw her again around lunch time, Angelique saw me too and waved me over.

'Come, have lunch with us,' patting the seat next to her. I went over just so I get to see Jaden's face from a closer view. She said hi and went back to her food. I was hoping she'd talk more.

I see her eating her food fast. I'm worried that she's gonna end up choking so I took her attention away from her food.

'Jayden, Caleb wants to know if he can come over to your house and play with Jacob today,' she looked up & swallowed her food.

She answered me back, 'Caleb knows full well he's welcome anytime to my house. What's wrong with that kid today. Is he sick?'

I can't believe I just made up a lie to get her attention. I nipped her worries in the bud. 'I don't think so, he looked good this morning.' Well that didn't turn out well. I just went back to talking with Angelique and her friends.

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