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I'm sad about writing this I'm still calling miku and she's sad too ahhhhh the feels nuuuu

Y/N = Your Name
F/C = Fav Colour
P/N = Pet Name
F/F = Fav Food
F/D = Fav Drink
F/S = Fav Song
H/C = Hair Colour
H/L = Hair Length (Long or Short)
E/C = Eye Colour


Your first fight with Garroth was about money... he kept breaking doors and you didn't have the money to keep getting them fixed to confronted him about it and he got mad . There was full on screaming until you ran upstairs and got a bag packed clothes, and left without another word ...

Your first fight was about how much time he spent with the guys . He kept on hanging out with the guys the whole 2 weeks your were off work your confronted him and one thing lead to another you were now staying with your sister in brightport...

Your first fight was about work... you both finished the album together and your manager wants you to go on your... alone without Dante you told him about it and that's we're the fight started it went for days until you'd had enough you went to the train station and left for meteli to stay with your brother ....

Your first fight was about him flirting with other girls . Even though you were dating he still flirted with them I made you mad , really mad you told him how you felt and he said he did it because you never were around you'd had enough and went to stay with your best guy friend in the next town over...

Your fight was about work . Aaron got a new boss at work that made him stay over time he got back really late so you never saw him and you were sad you told him and had a fight you went to stay with a friend in another town for a bit...

Your first fight was about dinner you didn't know what to have and he got steak when your weren't able to have any you told him and BAM the fight Began... you went to stay with your cousin for a while after that....

You fought about girls flirting with him.he was too innocent to notice the girls that would repeatedly flirt with him you told in and he got a little mad so did you so you went to stay with your sister and her pets...

Your first fight was about his travelling and how you always stayed he said he had to and you said he didn't and we'll you fought the fight ended in tears with you screaming "FINE GO SEE IF I CARE" and running to the bus to catch it to the next town over ...

You got offered a job as a soccer coach in another state and you didn't know what do say so you told Kacey and we're both crying . You ended up running all the way to the train station and caught the train to o'kassis ....

You fought because he was never around anymore he was always out and never spending time with you you both got mad and you punched a hole in the wall and ran to your friends house a few streets back ....

You fought about his attitude
He broke a tea set that your grandma that had passed away gave you and didn't care you were mad and told him it ending with you in tears and running to the bus to see where I would take you...

The feels are real

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