Chapter 7: Tell me more about the cute guy

Start from the beginning

I was having lunch with Angelique's group when she asked me again, 'so? Did you find out anything about the new guy?'

If I don't satisfy her curiosity, I know she's just gonna turn mosquito on me, poking until I smack her, then she'll stop buzzing.

'ok, ready? Here's the scope. He's a transfer student, same class as Mark's and he's from Colorado,' I beamed at her, so proud of my detective work.

'That's it? 'She seems insulted.

'What? Not enough? Oh yeah, he lives with Caleb,' I added to make him more interesting.

'Who's caleb? His lover?' frowning at me.

'No, his cousin. His mom is the sister of Caleb's dad,' she's still not satisfied.

'Who's caleb again?' seriously.
'Caleb, BB's friend', I said irritatingly.

'O, o 'kay', she said.  Jeez, finally. She got it. Did she got hit in the head too with a ball? What's her excuse?

'That still doesn't qualify as a bio. It only filled 3 blank spaces,' says Miss annoying.

'Ang, if you're that curious, go talk to Mark. He's his new BFF,' I just gave up and went back to finish my lunch before next period starts.

Boy, she must really like the new guy. Me? I thought he was cute but as soon as I heard the word 'transfer' a big red NO with an x sign showed above his head.

I rushed back to my class and I almost tripped and fell again. All I saw was a hand reaching for my bag that fell while I tried to keep myself from falling.

You would think with my training in karate I'd be less prone to meeting floors unexpectedly. Guess I forgot to earn the agility belt. I looked up and said thank you to my helper and it's the new guy, Alex.

'Hi, Alex. Thanks for picking up my bag,' embarrassed but wanted to be polite.

'No worries, are you okay?' looking at me with concern, checking for any signs of injury.

'Of course, I'm used to this. I think I'm the only short person that has the affinity to kiss the ground at any given moment, hehehe,' trying to lighten up the mood.

'Here's your bag' he said and left. My guess is he's not much into socialization.

I couldn't wait to get home, it's finally Friday. I get to relax now and recharge myself over the weekend. I'm so looking forward to 'me' time. The weather has been nice lately and there's a light breeze.

A short run might be nice. I grabbed a power bar and a glass of water. As I was chewing on the power bar, I saw caleb coming down the stairs followed by BB. I can hear them arguing about something.

Caleb insisted, 'I'm telling you, I heard he was called a Cassava in his old school.'

BB sat down in the bar stool facing the counter, 'dude, that doesn't make sense. You know what a cassava is?'

'Yeah, someone who has a lot of girlfriends,' Caleb fired back. Good thing I was facing the sink because half of the water I was trying to swallow sprayed out of my mouth. Both of them looked at me and started laughing pointing at me.

'What? why are you guys laughing?' I asked as I was wiping my face.

BB was quick to say, 'sis, you got booger in your face,' and continued to cackle.

I ran to the bathroom and looked at my face, ewww, it is a booger. No wait it looks like a piece of peanut from the power bar.

I came out holding the said booger and said, 'you know boogers are full of protein and they're good for you, helps develop muscles' and proceeded to put said booger in my mouth.

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