Chapter 20 - Infiltrating the Team Rocket Base

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I awoke early the next morning. We would be setting out in just over an hour. Before that, we would have a debriefing and be given our stealth equipment prior to our departure. I let Nelly sleep as I got up to shower, hoping deep down that she might stay asleep long enough to get left behind for her own safety. However, when I was clean and dressed, I came back into the bedroom to see her sitting up and rubbing her eyes instead.

"Good morning." She yawned.

"Good morning." I smiled. "Shower's all yours."

"Mmm ok." She stretched and stood, picking up her clothes for the day before disappearing into the bathroom.

I heard the shower turn on and talked to myself as the pouring water splashed down in the background. "Today's the day, then..." I looked around. "I can't say I'm not relieved to finally be in this position – but at the same time, I can't say I'm all that excited either... I want to save everyone..." I thought of my Pokemon, probably cramped up together in some dingy cell in the Team Rocket base. "But... This won't be easy – or even safe... Team Rocket used real guns before..." I thought way back to when I had been challenging the Pokemon League. My encounters with Team Rocket back then had been messy – I had even been shot. "Then again, if they wanted us dead, they would've tried to kill us off by now, right...? I guess that Archer guy kind of did try... I don't know... Hopefully this stealth thing works out." I made sure my PokeBalls were in my pockets and checked my phone.

The shower shut off and the hair dryer a couple of minutes later, and Nelly emerged, carrying her pyjamas.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked, setting them down.

"Yeah, thanks. You?"

"Surprisingly well, considering what we're doing today." She sighed. "I was thinking of calling Mum and Dad before we go. I don't want them to worry..."

"Good idea." I agreed. "We haven't spoken to them a lot since we left, after all."

"Ok, I'll do it now." Nelly smiled and picked up her phone.

We spoke to Darragh and Alexis for a while, filling them in on everything that had happened. They were amazed that so much could have happened in our short time away, but at the same time, they didn't sound surprised.

"So we're going to get our Pokemon back today." Nelly said.

"You two be careful, Snowflake." Alexis' voice was cautionary. "Make it home safely."

"We will."

"Look after her and protect her, Toby." Darragh said.

"Of course." I nodded.

"Good." Alexis sighed. "Dinner will be waiting for you when you get back, all right? Don't keep your mother waiting."

"We'll be there." Nelly giggled.

We said goodbye and Nelly hung up, putting her phone down.

I watched her as she straightened up and yawned, feeling as if I was already betraying Darragh's wishes.

"What's up?" She asked, seeing something in my face.

"Huh?" I blinked.

"Are you ok? You look like you've got a lot on your mind."

"Yeah... It's finally time to do this... But..." I glanced at her then looked away. "Listen..."

"...No. Don't say it." Nelly shook her head and stepped forward. "I'm not staying behind."

"But Nelly..." I swallowed.

"You think that's what will keep me safe. But I came all this way with you. I want to see my friends again..." She thought of her Pokemon. "I'm going on this mission with everyone. It would be wrong for me to drop out now, when we're this close."

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