Chapter Three

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"So who is this 'Gage'? What is he like?" Yassy interrogated. We were at lunch and we were surrounded by miscellaneous groups. It was the first day of school, so of course the lunchroom was chaotic. Everyone catching up with friends and posting on their Snapchat story about how they all want Summer to come back and how much they missed everyone. I was guilty of this too.

"Well I met him through Selayne when we went to a carnival. She had brought her boyfriend who had brought two friends. One was this tall guy named Lucas I think and the other was Gage. The first thing he said to me was that he was afraid of heights and might have to hold my hand on the rides. I agreed and told him I planned on holding his hand off the rides anyway. It was so cheesy but so great. That was such a fun night. That was honestly was of the best days of my life," I told Yassy through the chatter of middle school.

"That is so adorable and so cheesy. I love it!" Yassy shouted as she ate her under-cooked school lunch fries. Right as I chuckled at her, I got a text from Gage. I automatically smiled. 

Gage: Hey baby <3 How's it going

Me: It's ok ig. It would be 10x better if you were here. How's school ?

Gage: It's actually good. I guess the thought of u never leaving my mind helped a lot. Hang out when u get out?

Me: Lemme ask John. He'll prolly say yes. I love you ;-* I'll ttyl

Gage: Ok baby. See you soon and I love u more ;)

Me: Damnit I don't have time to win this fight right now :,( 

Gage: Finally I win!

I bite my lip as I turned my screen off. He was everything I ever wanted.

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