Make This Go On Forever

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“What are you doing here?” she hissed.

Peter couldn’t help but smile and step away from the wall he’d been leaning against. She was a mixture of happy and anger and he supposed the anger was over him skipping class to be there.

“I can’t stay long if that helps.”

“You shouldn’t be here,” she said seconds before hugging him. “But I’m glad you are.”

“I had a feeling you needed a hug.”

Her arms wrapped tighter around him and as he caught random images in her head, he was suddenly glad he’d pissed off his teacher enough to get out of class.

“I want this day to end already. It keeps getting worse and worse. There are way more ghosts on campus than I thought…”


She looked up, lifting her head from where she’d nestled it against his chest.


“Everything’s going to be fine. First days are always the worst.”

Her eyes narrowed, almost as if she couldn’t believe he was being this blasé about it. “Did I mention Darken is in my English class?”

Well that partially explained why she was upset but there was something else bothering her. The reason for what happened in the parking lot. He tilted his head to the side, studying her as she did the same to him.

“What happened?”

Like popping a balloon with a pin, she deflated. “I talked to Erik. He told me something I didn’t want to know.” She sighed and he could see the inner workings of her mind as she tried to decide whether to tell him now or wait. “You should get back to class.”

“I should but you’re more important.” He wasn’t going to push her too hard. If there was one thing about Cass it was she always told him everything, even if it took some time to do so. This would be no different, even if he wanted her to tell him now.

“We can talk in study hall.” She’d decided. “I don’t want you to get into anymore trouble since I know you probably acted like an ass in order to get here.”

“You would be correct. But it was well worth it.”

“If you got another detention, it’s not.” When he didn’t correct her, she rolled her eyes. “Peter…”

“It’s just detention.”

“It’s unnecessary detention.” She pushed him away a little. “Get back to class. We’ll talk in study hall.”

“You know that’s supposed to be a quiet class. Hence why it’s held in the library.”

She took a threatening step in his direction but he didn’t move, just stayed where she shoved him to. They ended up as close as they had been and he checked the urge to kiss her stupid. Peter was beginning to think taking advantage of the lenient attendance policy was a good idea.

“Go.” She pointed at the door.

He shook his head with a smile playing on his lips. Cass was smart and she knew he was playing with her. It was one of the things he loved about being with her. They played around, joked. She wasn’t high maintenance like most girls in the school, like Gwen for example. How Bren did it, he didn’t know. He could mess with Cass and she would mess right back, giving as good as she got.

“If you want me to go, you need to kiss me.”

“If you don’t leave now, I won’t kiss you for a month.”

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