Let's Get Started

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The black sedan pulled up to the curb just in front of the car his father and Cass were sitting in. The door opened on Cass’s side which just happened to be where he was standing and the damn ghost got out.

He completely ignored Peter and headed for the other car. Peter stepped down on the street, covering the doorway instead of closing the door.

The pair of Paramores got out of the car and stood a couple feet away from Erik. Like she knew they were now out in the open, Cass slipped her hand into his and he listened to the conversation.

“Erik,” Drake said blandly. “What are you doing here?”

The ghost’s hands were shoved into his jean pockets. Even though he was solid he couldn’t feel the cold. He couldn’t really feel anything, at least that’s what Alma told him. That was the trade off. They became solid but they couldn’t feel. Not touch, not hot or cold, not the breeze, not anything.

The gesture he was making now was out of habit, Peter assumed.

“Same as you only I’m on her side.”

Darken’s hands were in the pockets of his open wool coat. If it was possible, his eyes seemed icier than usual.

“You’re assuming we’re not on her side.”

Erik smiled at his uncle. “I know you’re not. It’s not hard to figure out what you want from her. I saw what you did in the first place.”

His uncle didn’t look surprised.

“It’s what our family is entitled to, our legacy. You know that.”

“Doesn’t mean I like it or I’m going to allow you to do it.”

Drake’s top lip curled momentarily. “Misguided loyalty. You’ve always had it, just like your father.”

“I’m not going to let you hurt her. Either of you.”

He looked at his brother and Darken just stared back. He’d become a carbon copy of his uncle, they looked almost exactly alike now. Peter was surprised he never noticed that before.

“So you’re choosing the батарея over your family. You know if you draw on her power, you can turn yourself solid. You can live the life you always wanted. It would be like you never died.”

“Not with what it would cost her. I would never do that.”

“Strong moral compass. You get that from your mother. Only problem is the temptation will get to be too much, even for you.”

They started walking up the steps.

“Remember your promise, Uncle. I’ll know if you break it.”

Drake didn’t say anything, just continued his ascent. Darken walked next to him, not even bothering to look back. Their whole conversation was in Russian but Peter knew the language. Like Gwen, his father forced him to learn it when he was younger.

Erik remained standing there for a moment before walking back over to the car.

“Be careful, ghost. I won’t let you hurt her either.”

The ghost just raised an eyebrow and stopped at the end of the car.

~ * ~ 

“Будьте осторожны, призрак. Я не позволю тебе причинить ей боль тоже.”

That was my cue to get out of the car. If Peter was talking in Russian, I knew it had something to do with the Paramores.

“Кто сказал, что я?”

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