Now What?

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The bailiff held a bible in front of him and swore him in. This would be interesting. God only knows how Drake was going to spin this.

“You may proceed, Mr. Paramore.”

Drake picked up the one picture still Carter had made and slid it across the table to Darken.

“Explain this picture to me. What were you doing?”

Darken glanced down at it and then over to me.

“I was trying to calm her down.”


“When we arrived there that day, Cass was upset. The doctor would ask me on occasion to talk to her and that’s what I was doing.”

“So there was no ill intent? No sexual context?”

“No.” Darken made sure I was looking at him before he said the next part. “If that’s what you thought, Cass, I’m sorry. It wasn’t my intention.”

“What was your intention?”

“Like I’ve stated, I was just trying to calm her down. She would have periods of time where she was inconsolable and I was just trying to help.”

Drake pushed the other picture across so it sat in front of him.

“What’s this?”

“It’s a mark.”

“Of what?”

“It’s technically an ice crystal that sits under the skin.”

“What’s it for?”

“To channel magic.”

“During the time Cassandra was in the facility, did you channel magic out of her?”

“Yes. However, unlike the way Mr. Marks has made it sound, I was only doing it for her best interest.”

“How so?”

“When Cass performed the spell in October she made herself too bright. The spell amplified her magic, making it too much for her to handle. As my own brother has stated, he had to channel her magic in order to help her end the spell. This—” he tapped the picture “—is just a more permanent version of that. If at any time Cass’s magic becomes too much, the crystal automatically channels it to me and I dispel it.”

“Do you get anything out of it?”

“Not unless I want to. I have the option of dispelling the magic or using it for myself.”

Drake nodded. “And how was this mark formed?”

“With the use of my magic and Cass’s.”

“And you needed her permission to do this?”

“I did.”

“And she granted you that permission?”

“She did.”

“In your opinion, was that permission given out of anything other than trust? Desperation, per say?”

“Cass trusted me and in no way did I violate that trust.” He looked at me. “Cass, this is silly. I didn’t put it there to boost my own magic and you know that. I was just trying to help…”

“I would ask that you not address my client, Mr. Paramore. Answer your uncle’s questions and leave her out of it.”

“I agree,” the judge said. “You address either myself, your uncle, or Carter. Never Cassandra.”

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