Shots of Heat

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A/N: This chapter gets a little steamy. Sorry if that's a problem. 

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“I just noticed something.”

“Really?” I knew where he was going with this. “What might that be?”

“You have…very large purple circles under your eyes.”

I shoved him again, tired of his playing. “Go if you’re going to be an ass.”

“We’ve been over this. I may be an ass but…”

“You’re my ass.” I chuckled. “I remember. But can you, for once, just…”

“Be insightful? Do what I know you want me to do even though you won’t say it out loud?”

“That would be nice, yes.”

“You know I’ll get it out of you, right?”

“Are you trying to tell me you’re going to tease me?” He nodded. “I’ll never say it.”

“No? You sure?” He took his hands out of both of mine. “Because I’m pretty sure I’ve heard you say it before.”

He started at my perfectly painted toes, brushing his fingers across the top of my foot.

“I haven’t. I think I would remember saying something like that.”

He kept himself from smiling, giving me a glance at his eyes before they became down casted. This was a game. I knew that but yet as the constant warmth I was getting used to was slowly drawn away, I couldn’t help but think it was a little cruel.

That was until he wrapped a hand around my ankle. Shots of heat rocketing up my leg and making me shake on the inside. That’s what he wanted. He was going to break me down until I said it, out loud, admitting to him and anyone else that was listening that I wanted something.

He tugged on my ankle gently but forceful enough that I was flat on my back. I didn’t know what he was doing, maybe he just didn’t want me to see what was coming.


“This is the part where you don’t talk.”

I bit my bottom lip and tried not to laugh. This was his way of making me forget, by getting my mind to focus on something other then what it wanted to think about.

So I was flat on my back, the coolness of the room the only thing touching my skin. I knew where he was, he hadn’t moved but I could tell he was watching me. Not in the predatory way, more like in an observing fashion. He was sizing me up, probably reading my mind…

As if he was acknowledging my last thought, his hand ran up my calf, making my leg bend at the knee. My mind flashed instantly and I tried to cover up the mark on my leg. Peter brushed my hand away from where I was trying to tug up the sheet that was casually draped over my thigh.



You don’t ever have to hide from me. Ok?

His mind brushed mine long enough to say that. I nodded and he brushed a kiss across my knee, his hand holding the back of it gently. Tingles raced across my skin and a feeling I’d never felt before started in the pit of my stomach.

The progress was painfully slow as he worked his way up, his fingers trailing heat. He rolled my t-shirt up gathering the fabric around my rib cage.

“Have I told you how much I like seeing you in my shirts?”

“No,” I whispered. That was pretty much all I could manage.

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