Chapter 16: Known by Its Song

Start from the beginning

"Because that's how he planned it. Because the man you know as Ozpin designed those schools and has followers inside every academy on Remnant that are loyal to him and no one else."

"That doesn't make any sense!" Yang exclaimed, "How could he have...? No. Why would someone even do that?"

"Because old man Oz has a great and terrible secret. One that could spread fear across the world. One that he eventually entrusted to our team, and once I knew, there was no going back. I needed to know more, but with every new discovery I made, the more horrifying the world became."

"Okay, then tell us," Dante said, annoyed with all the cryptic talk, "What's the big secret? What's so crazy that the rest of us don't know?"

"The Creatures of Grimm... have a master named Salem. She can't be stopped, she can't be reasoned with, and she will not rest until humanity crumbles at her feet."

There was silence as everyone processed this new information.

"What?" Weiss said, breaking the silence.

Raven turned to them, "You know, none of you have even touched your tea."

Raven takes another sip from her teacup, while Yang stood up, "Why should we believe any of this?"

"Now you're catching on. So far, you've done nothing but accept what others tell you," Raven then put her cup down, "But you need to question everything."

Mother and daughter stared at each other face to face, before Raven turned around, "Otherwise, you'll end up just as blind as Qrow..."

Yang grit her teeth, and her eyes narrow, seething.

"And your fool of a father."

A shot from Ember Celica hit the table, destroying it. Raven's empty teacup clattered across the floor, stopping when it hit the heel of her boot. Raven looked at Yang, faintly smiling, and her daughter's eyes turned red.

"Don't you dare talk about my family like that!!" Yang growled.

A weapon was heard, Vernal entering the tent, pointing her weapon at Yang, "You need to calm down."

Dante stood up and grabbed Yang's hand, "Yang, please."

"Listen to your friend, Yang," Raven suggested, "Your teammates never let you down before."

"You don't know the first thing about my teammates!" Yang yelled, "About me!! You were never there!! You LEFT US!!!"

Yang's anger slowly turned to sadness, her eyes turning back to normal as she hung her head, "Why?!"

"I know more than you realize. Not just about you, and not just what I've been told, but things I've seen with my own eyes. I know the Grimm have a leader, I know people who can come back from the dead, I know that magic is real, and I can prove it."

Weiss and Walker then stood up while Raven continued talking to her daughter, "You said Tai told you all about my Semblance..."

Vernal then lowered her weapon while Raven headed toward the back exit of her tent, "Well, I doubt he ever told you what Oz did to my brother and me."

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