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'Chrystal? What are you doing here?'

His voice sounded calm, yet angry.

'I'm sorry, I, uh, I wandered into the wrong room.'

'You know I hate it when people lie to me, love.'


'Don't even think about trying to get out of this one Chrystal!' he cut me off, his voice raising, 'I can see that you were nosing into stuff.'

He gestured towards my hand. I glanced down and noticed I still had a hold onto one of the files. I was busted and I didn't want to know what the consequences would be.

I pulled my hand away and stepped back. Jason closed the distance between him and me. I kept stepping back, till my back hit the wall. I was trapped, like a lion in a cage. He pinned my arms above my head and stared deep into my soul. He stared so deep, it almost hurt. He clenched his hand around my throat, blocking my air pipe, making it almost impossible to breathe.

'Jace, I... What the fuck? What are you doing?' I could hear Michaels voice. Jason let go of me and I fell to the floor. Tears trembling down my face, as I gasped for air.

'I'm in the middle of something', Jason said as he was about to turn around again.

'I can tell, but why?'

'She was snooping into our files.'

Loud sobs left my mouth, as I no longer listened to the ongoing conversation. I was scared, scared he was going to hurt me again, scared he was going to take me back to the torture room.

Someone grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me up, but I struggled and yelled as if I was about to die.

'Relax, Chrystal', Michaels calm voice said, 'he's gone now.'

I watched him, through a blurred vision. Tears were still rolling down my face. He gently rinsed them away with his thumb. He hugged me and made circles on my back. I calmed down and no tears were coming anymore. He pulled away and looked at me.

'Are you okay?' he asked. I nodded in response.

'Shall I escort the lady to her quarters', he said, faking a British accent. A smile adorned his face. I couldn't help it but to smile as well.

'You may', I said, playing along. He offered me his hand and I took it without doubt. Don't get me wrong, I was still horrified by the moment, but I could use a little humor. Michael helped me towards my room and into my bed.

'A little sleep will do you well', he said before turning of the lights and leaving the room.

Why is Michael so kind to me? Why is there a file with Ethan's name on it? He can't be a part of this... He can't be...

With those thoughts lingering in my head, I fell asleep.

I was at Ethan's. He had asked me over to help him with his science project. I had no idea why he couldn't do it himself, he used to be THE science nerd of our class, apart from me of course.

'I'll go get some stuff, be right back', he said, before heading up the stairs. His phone made a beeping-noise, telling me he had gotten a message. It was laying in front of me on the table. Part of the message was quickly shown on the screen.

"Is it gonna take long, before we can have-"

I glanced around the living room and picked up the phone. With ease I unlocked it, I knew Ethan's password. I opened the messages.

From Jason:

"Is it gonna take long, before we can have her?"

I woke up, almost hyperventilating. My heart was racing rapidly and my breathing was heavy. I tried to calm myself but that didn't work. I got out of the bed and stumbled into the bathroom, leaning over the toilet. I had a feeling I had to puke, but nothing came out. The only thing that left my body, was a lonely tear slipping from my eye. When I calmed down a little, I got up and, quietly, walked into the hallway. It was still dark out, which meant everyone would be asleep. At least I hoped. Silently I tiptoed down the stairs and into the kitchen. I needed a glass of water. I searched all the cupboards for a glass, but couldn't seem to find one.

'What are you doing?' I heard Jason's raspy, morning voice. Startled I turned around to face him. My legs started to tremble, I was afraid.


'I... I... I want a glass of water. But I can't find a glass.'

Jason chuckled and walked over to me. I stumbled back a little, but hit the counter. Jason lent over me, and opened the cupboard, taking out a glass and filling it with water.

'Here you go, love.'

Why is he so goddamn bipolar?

I stood there, awkwardly. His body was a little too close for my comfort, but I didn't dare to speak up. His piercing green eyes were staring into my blue-ones.

'Well? Won't you drink now?' he asked, raising his eyebrows a little.

'Y-Yeah, but um, you're kinda in the way.'

'Oh', he said, as he shuffled back a little, giving me some space. I drank the water and put down the glass on the counter. Jason was still staring.

'Um, it's not neat to stare at someone for so long', I said, but he didn't look away. I tried walking past him, but his hand grabbed my wrist. My heart started to pound blood at a rapid speed and my breathing had quickened as well. Fear made my body tremble in his grip. My eyes were filled with anxiety. For a second I thought I was about to hyperventilate again, but his soothing voice calmed me down.

'Love, there's no need to be afraid of me. I won't hurt you again, I promise.'

I stood frozen-solid. Although my breathing had slowed down and my heart wasn't racing anymore, I still was anxious. He was bipolar, I had a reason to. His hand released me and I speeded past him, making my way towards my room. I crawled underneath the sheets, trying to forget what happened the last couple of hours. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. 

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