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The young man still had a firm grip onto me as the other ones finally caught up.

'I'm sorry mister Davis', the previous man apologized, 'I had no idea she would run of.'

The previous man stared firmly into my eyes.

'No problem. I've got her now', mister Davis said while looking at me with his piercing green eyes.

'You can go now, I'll take her. I'll pay with a check', Davis said as he took out a check and wrote down the amount of money, still one hand around my arm preventing me from escaping. When he was done, he handed over the bill and started dragging me away. I struggled but he was to strong.

'Relax', he said, his voice calm but demanding.

We reached the outdoors and I breathed in the fresh air as if I haven't been able to in years. He dragged me towards a red sports car I recognized to be a Porsche. As a gentleman he opened the door and I got in, afraid of what he would do if I didn't.

He walked around the car and jumped in the front seat. An awkward silence fell upon us as I stared around, tears trembling down my face. He had his gaze aimed to the road. When I calmed down a little, I was the first one to break the silence.

'What is your name?'

'Jason', he answered swiftly looking over before looking back to the road. My eyes were glued to his face. He was handsome. A sharp jawline and a dragon-like tattoo on his neck. His eyes were leaf green, almost dragging me into his soul. His face was blemish free and his nose was simply perfect.

Chrystal? What are thinking about? He's insane, he's a psychopath. You have no idea what he's gonna do to you.

'Enjoying the view?' Jason asked as he caught me staring. I felt blood rising to my cheeks.

'You're very pretty when you're blushing', he said still looking at me. I looked away in shame. I didn't like it when boys gave me compliments about my looks. Especially not this kind of boys.

It was dark out and when I looked at the clock in the dashboard I could see it was four AM. There was no traffic on the road at this part of the night. Everyone was already asleep, except for me. My life had turned into a mess. Why did I have to leave the party alone? Why didn't I go back to him? He probably didn't mean it that way. What if I never get back?

I felt my eyes burning as the first tear left for its journey down my cheek. More followed as I started sobbing.

'Hey, you alright?' Jason asked. I turned my head to face him. Anger took over as I started yelling.

'Alright? Am I alright? How do you dare to ask? You took me away from my family and friends against my will! What do you think!'

His eyes, that were once calm, turned darker and coldness filled them, making me regret my outburst. He pulled over and looked at me. A loud sigh left his mouth.

'Don't you ever speak to me like that young lady!' he spat while grabbing my arm an nearly crushing it.

'I saved you for fucks sake! Learn to appreciate what I've done for you. I could easily drive you back and return you.'

The seriousness in his voice scared me. He kept pressing his nails into my bare skin, almost making me bleed before abruptly releasing my arm and driving again. A tensed silence filled the car as coldness started to get to me. My body was shaking and I crossed my arms over my chest to get a little warmer.

'You cold?' he asked, his voice calm but loving again.

Bipolar much?

I nodded in response and he took of his jacket, still driving the car. He handed it over to me and I immediately put it on, feeling instant warmth.

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