First day back part 2

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still Jace's pov

Riele: So you finally took my suggestion

Jace: You suggested this?! When?

Riele: Back when you guys first started dating. I think that was back in season 2 or so

Jace: Oh

Isabela: I'm so glad I get to work with you guys. Aren't you glad we get to work together Jacey?

Jace: Sure, yeah, whatever

Ugh! Why did Riele have to go suggest that to Dan? Now I'll never get a moment alone with her. I mean, I love Isabela and all, but sometimes she can be so clingy. Besides, I wanted to spend more time with Riele this season.

Riele: Hey, why don't we go show bela round the set? We can take her to meet the game shakers cast.

Sean: Good idea. Let's go.

Great! Just when I wanted to throw a pity party for myself, we have to go show her round. Remind me again why life is the way it is.

Riele's pov

So, we just finished showing Bela round and now we're all chilling in my dressing room. Well actually now it's mine and Jace's dressing room since a family of rats moved in there before hiatus because he refuses to keep his dressing room clean. While we're all sitting down scrolling through social media, I suddenly get a text.

Text convo

Kitty: Hey Riele. Wassup?

Riele: Nothing much, what about you?

Kitty: I'm good. Guess what?

Riele: You finally got me a ticket to the Oscars?

Kitty: Dream on. I'm coming back from school tomorrow.

Riele: Really? But school just started for you.

Kitty: I know, but Dan wants me to do Game Shakers, so mum said I could come home.

Riele: Sweet! Can't wait to see you. Bai!!!

End of text convo

Riele: Guys, guess what?

Jace:(jokingly) You're finally leaving the show?

Riele: Ha ha very funny. Kitty's coming back tomorrow!

Sean: What?!

Ella: No way! I thought she was in school!

Riele: Yeah, but Dan wants her to do Game Shakers, so she'll be here for a while.

Jace's pov

I've had a crush on Kitty for the longest time now, but she's been too busy dating more famous guys to give me the time of day. Anyway, I don't think I like her anymore. Maybe it was just infatuation. Besides, I totally like Riele, I mean Isabela! Why am I such a confused fellow?

Jace: Cool. I can't wait to see Kitty again!

Sean: Yeah because you loooove her.

Jace: (blushing) I do NOT love her. I like Isabela.

Isabela: Aw, thanks babe. Do we get to pick her up from the airport?

Riele: Let me find out.

Wow. Riele's so pretty when she's on the phone. The way she giggles when she hears something funny just makes me wanna go over there and plant a kiss on her lips

Riele: Jace? Jace... Jace!

Jace:(waking up from his daydream) Yeah?

Riele:(sighing) you didn't hear any of that did you? We're gonna go pick Kitty from the airport at 7am tomorrow morning and we're meeting here, so get up early because you're driving us to the airport.

Jace: Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. Man, I love it when she bosses me around.

A/N: Hey guys. I hope you liked this chapter. Seems like Jace is falling pretty hard for Riele. Can someone please give me a ship name for Jace and Kitty? Want to try something. Love ya. Update coming soon. Stay tuned. Oh yeah. Please check out my other account,

@fulloflife101( My sis says it isn't only full of life, it's also fool of life) so bad i'm crying tears. I thought I raised you better sis. :(


truth or dare (a jaele story)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now