Picking Kitty

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Jace POV

I wake up and look at the time. Oh shit! It's 6:40. I gotta be at set by 7! I look at my phone and see about 63 texts from Riele.Eh. I'll just block her for now. I quickly take a shower and rush off to set.

Riele POV

I pace around back and forth on set.

Riele: Where is jace?! He was supposed to be here 2 hours ago.

Isabela: Riele chill. I'm sure he'll be here sooon.

Riele: Don't you know I hate being late?!

Sean:(sarcastically) Really? I wouldn't have guessed.

Riele: Sean, I don't have time for your sarcasm this morning. And Ella, how can you just sit down comfortably when Jace is late?

Ella: Well, it involves a few things. First of all, you need to know how to BE CHILL!!!

Suddenly, jace runs up looking tattered, mangy, and carrying a bag of half eaten snacks.

Riele: Jace? What are you doing? Why are you late? What happened to you?

Jace: Which one do you want me to answer first?


Jace: To make long story short, I am never going back to the Walmart beside the dog groomer's place.

Isabela: That explains totally nothing, but let's just go

At the airport 

Jace POV

Riele: Look! There's Kitty! Kitty! Over here!

Isabela: Well, I think I'm finally deaf.

Kitty sees us and rushes over

Kitty: Hey guys! I missed you so much!

While everybody exchanges pleasantries, I take time to study Kitty. Nope,  study's still weird. I take time observe kitty. She's grown taller, her hair's longer, and she's a whole lot sexier than when I saw her last year. (just wanted to point out that right now they're in September and Kitty is black)

Kitty: Anyway, why are you guys late.

Ella: Jace did something. Only God knows what!

Kitty: Classic Jace. So, how are you? You haven't said a word to me since I arrived. Are we in a fight?

Jace: I...Um...I gotta run.

I ran all the way to the bathrooms and dashed inside one of the stalls. Ugh! Why did I run away? I never used to freeze up when I was near Kitty before. So what happened? Do I like her? Suddenly, I hear noise outside.

Jace: Who's there?

Sean: It's me buddy.

Jace: Oh hey Sean.

Sean: Whydda run off like that?

Jace: I don't know man.

Sean: I have a theory. You like Kitty.

Jace: What? No I don't.

Sean: Jeez Jace. For an actor that was very bad.

Jace: But I...

Sean: Don't think of denying it Jace. You know it's true.

Jace: Okay fine. I do. But if you dare tell a soul, imma kill you.

Sean: Dude whatever. Now come out of that stall and go face Kitty like a man!

Jace: I will. But first I need to puke!

truth or dare (a jaele story)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now