First day back part 1

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Riele  POV

Hiatus is finally over. I can't wait to get back to set and see my friends. But its ages till I have to go prepare for set. Right now, I'm just gonna chill in my bed. Suddenly, Reiya bursts into my room.

Reiya: Riele, get up! You're gonna be late for set!

Riele: No I'm not. I still have like 3 hours. I gotta be there by 8.

Reiya: You really don't know what the time is do you?

Riele: Okay miss smartypants. What's the time?

Reiya: (sighs) Riele its 7:40 in the morning. Now get your fucking self off the bed, BEFORE I WHIP YOUR ASS!!!

Riele: Oh shit! I'm gonna be late!

Reiya: Just hurry up. Mom's already waiting in the car.

So I get ready in about 2mins 19secs. That's gotta be some kind of world record. I hear mom honk the horn again, so I rush downstairs

At set

"Riele!!!" screams a familiar voice. I turn around and see Ella standing there.

Riele: Ella!!! You've grown so much!!! How are you?

Ella: I'm good. Oooh! Here comes your boyfriend!!!!

Immediately she says that, I turn around to see Jace standing there. My stomach flops. I HAD a crush on Jace, but that was like back in season 2. Besides, He's with Isabela now, so it's too late to start anything. So, if I don't like Jace, why is my stomach flipping?

Riele: He's NOT my boyfriend!

Ella: Yeah but you like him.

Riele: No I do NOT!

Ella: Then why are you blushing?

Riele:(face turning redder by the second) I AM NOT BLUSHING!!!

Ella: Lies.

Riele: Ella, QUIT IT!!!

Ella: Only joking. Don't take it personally.

Jace POV

I turn around to see Ella arguing with someone. I can't see the person because they aren't facing me. The person turns around a little and I see it's Riele

Jace: Is it just me or does Riele seem hotter than when I FaceTimed her last night? Wait, did I say that out loud?

Sean: (coming up behind Jace) Yeah you did, but not too loud.

I turn around to see Sean

Jace: (hi fiving him) Hey man. Long tine no see. Wassup?

Sean: Nothing much. What are they fighting over this time?

Jace: I don't know, and I don't wanna know.

As thee girls fight, I study Riele. Woah, that's weird, study. I look at Riele. She has curly black hair and those magic brown eyes that I could get lost in for days. Wait, what am I saying? I have a girlfriend for God's sake. So, the girls finish their fight and Sean and I walk over.

Jace: Hey Ella, looking good. Hey Riele. Still too short for 16 I see

Riele: Hey Jace. Still too stupid for the world I see.

Jace:(Hugging Riele) Aw, I missed you too.

As I hug Riele, I feel sparks in my body that I never feel with Isabela. Wait a minute. Snap out of it Jace. Suddenly, we hear a shout.

Dan: Hey guys. Why don't you come in here and not lose your jobs?

We all run inside and head to table read. I see Isabela there. She smiles at me and waves me over. I spy an empty seat next to Riele but Ella plops herself there. Man, I wanted to sit next to Riele and catch up with her. Reluctantly, I drag my self over to Isabela's side and sit down. I give her a dull hi

Sean: Uh, where's Cooper?

I look up and notice that Cooper isn't at the table.

Dan: He'll be back from France tomorrow, so we're not filming today. So, before we start, I want to make an announcement. Isabela here will be joining the show as Henry's new love interest, Chelsea and Captain Man and Kid Danger's new sidekick, Danger girl

Whole cast: What?!

A/N: Hey guys. I hope you loved the story. Sorry for the short chapter. I was tired. Hopefully, they'll be longer. I'll try to update on a regular basis. Don't hate me if I can't.


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