"What toxic air?" she gritted through her teeth and Camila reached up to put a hand on Lauren's arm, sensing her rising anger. Normani quickly shook her head.

"Nothing-nothing. Your hidden sex relationship wasn't toxic at all." She chuckled trying to lighten the mood and Zayn shook his head as he kept his mouth shut. Lauren's head tilted slightly and her eyes narrowed farther. "I'm just going to shut up now." Normani nodded as she took a step back and looked away from Lauren as well.

"Good idea." Lauren nodded before looking at Camila, who bit her lip and shrugged her shoulders. Lauren sighed before Shawn slowly made his way over to the group and they all fell silent as he stopped next to Niall. Camila frowned slightly and her shoulders slumped as he quietly greeted everyone but her and Lauren.

"I almost forgot to return your notes for Chem." He mumbled as he passed a few papers over to Normani who nodded her head as she took them.

"Thanks, Shawn." She said as she shoved them into her book. He nodded his head and shifted on his feet slightly. Camila bit her lip. She could tell it was taking him everything in his power not to look over at them.

"Hi, Shawn." She chipped up quickly as she held her books a bit tighter to her chest. He quickly looked over at her and offered a really tight lipped smile.

"Hi, Camila." He mumbled before his eyes slid over to Lauren. They narrowed slightly and his tight smile formed into a frown. "Lauren."

"Shawn." She said with a shrug of her good shoulder. He clenched his teeth and swallowed before turning on his heels and leaving the group without another word. Lauren shook her head as she looked down at Camila. "Don't pay him any attention. He'll get the fuck over it sooner or later." She said and Camila nodded her head though she kept her eyes down with a frown.

"I know but—"

"But nothing. Look at me," Lauren said as she turned to face her. Camila quickly looked up to Lauren's eyes at the demand. "He got his feelings hurt. I'm sorry but that's life and he'll get over it but if he never accepts the fact that we're together then fuck him. We don't need anybody but ourselves. Fuck anyone who doesn't agree. It'll be us against the world if it has to be, Baby Girl." She said and Camila nodded her head with a giggle. Lauren would never know how much her words actually meant to her.

She wanted them.

"Us, forever and ever, Lolo." She said and Lauren smirked before she nodded.

"Good girl."

"And you'll always have us too." Normani said with a smile and Camila looked over at the others, almost forgetting that they were there.

"Thanks guys." She chuckled and they nodded their heads.

"And I'm sure Shawn will come around." Zayn said as he glanced down the hall where Shawn had disappeared. "Like you said, he got hurt and he just needs some more time to heal. Camila was like his first love." He said as he looked back towards the girls and Lauren scuffed.

"And I wasn't yours?" She asked.

"I didn't say that." Zayn chuckled.

"And you're not crying like a little bitch."

"Everyone heals at their own pace, Laur."

"Shouldn't we be getting to class?" Normani chuckled as she glanced at the clock on the wall. They all mumbled in annoyed agreement before making their way to their own classes. Camila walked Lauren to hers, helping to carry her books. Lauren surprised her with another kiss, this time on the corner of her mouth before disappearing into her classroom. Camila bit her lip at the butterflies that filled her stomach. She couldn't help it. She was happy. For the first time in a long time she was really happy.

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