The door opened to her room and the doctor and nurse stepped out bringing an end to their conversation. "She's doing pretty good. We're still going to keep her medicated…" The doctor's voice faded away as Camila looked around him, trying to get a look at Lauren but the only thing she could see was her feet hidden under light blue covers behind the curtain.

"Can I go in?" She cut in and all eyes fell to her. The doctor looked slightly confused as he looked at her before glancing at Mrs. Jauregui.

"This is Camila." She explained as she touched her shoulder and a look of realization crossed his face before smiling softly, nodding his head.

"The famous Camila, huh? She asks for you every time she wakes up." He chuckled before glancing back into the room. "She's having a bit of trouble remembering things from the concussion so I don't think she's sure how many time's she's actually asked for you." He said with a shake of his head before he looked at her. "Go ahead in. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you if she hasn't fallen back to sleep already."

Camila nodded her head before she moved pass all of them to step into the room. She felt Normani following close behind her probably trying to support her. She wasn't sure if she needed it or not but she was glad Normani was there. She walked farther into the room and paused at the half open curtain. She slowly peeked around it to look at Lauren who lay in the bed.

Her eyes were closed and she was breathing softly through her mouth. Camila released a breath she didn't even know she was holding. It was like seeing that Lauren was actually okay allowed her to breathe again. Lauren had a bandage on the left side of her head where Camila guessed was how she got her concussion. Her left arm wrapped up as well and elevated on a few pillows. Her left cheek bone was a dark purple and small cuts lay across that side of her face.

She looked so small in her bed, battered, bruised and broken and it made Camila's lip tremble at seeing in her such a state. Lauren never looked so beaten before. She was always so strong and guarded. Camila didn't like seeing her this way, like she had been defeated. She slowly stepped up to the end of the bed while continuing to stare down at her. Normani remained by the curtain, allowing Camila to have her time. The room was silent for a long few moments before Camila took in a deep breath.


Her voice was barely above a whisper but she watched as Lauren's eyebrows pulled together and her eyelids fluttered slightly, responding to the sound of her name. Camila bit her lip watching as Lauren's eyes opened and immediately fell on her. The room was silent as they just stared at each other. Camila swallowed, feeling her eyes burn with tears.

"Don't cry, Camzi."

Lauren's voice was hoarse, probably from lack of use or something and the sound of it forced the tears from Camila's eyes anyways. She quickly wiped them away and Lauren signaled her to come closer with her right arm. Camila made her way around the bed. She sat down on Lauren's right side and Lauren cupped the back of her neck, pulling her down to rest her head on her shoulder. Camila tried not to lean too heavily on her as she closed her eyes and breathed her in. They stayed like that for a few moments before Camila sat up to look down at her, wiping her tears away.

"I told you to stop speeding!" She scolded and Lauren rolled her eyes with an annoyed sigh.

"Who are you? My fucking mother?" She shot back before reaching up to rub her forehead. "Last thing I need is for another one of those yelling at me." She mumbled and Camila frowned as she watched her, not liking the discomfort that showed on Lauren's face.

"Do you have a headache?" Normani broke her silence and their eyes fell on her.

"Who invited you?" Lauren asked with narrowed eyes and Normani's own eyes narrowed with an expression that just said answer the question. "But if you must know I do actually."

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