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"Wait, so are you dating?!"

"I don't know! I think so!"

"How do you 'think so', Keith, come to my house!"

"I can't come to your house, Pidge, it's three in the morning!"

"Yes, you can, leave a note telling Lance where you went, and get your ass over here! Matt and Shiro are here too, it's fine!"

"I can't just leave, Pidge!"

"You'll be fine, Keith, just get over here! Now!" Keith sighed and hung up. He wrote out a quick note to Lance, explaining where he was going, and rushed out the door... with the keys to Lance's truck.

He climbed in and drove over to Pidge's house in silence. He thought about the night before. When he kissed Lance. Holy shit, Keith kissed Lance. Or, maybe Lance kissed Keith. Yep, Lance kissed Keith. Keith knew cause he had been frozen in shock for what felt like eternity.

He stopped right next to Pidge's driveway, and climbed out of the truck. He was on his way towards the front door when Pidge opened it, and let him in.

"So. Let me get this straight. While Shiro and I were playing Mario Kart, you and Lance had a heated make out session, left for Lance's house, and then you couldn't fall asleep. So you called me." Keith nodded.

"We also looked at the stars for a long time on top of his truck." Pidge stared at Keith for what felt like forever, then her eyes widened and her mouth gaped open.

"First of all, you two are quite possibly the cutest thing ever. Second of all, how do you not know if you're dating?!"

"I don't know! Lance never asked me out! We just, kinda, went to bed and that was it." Pidge sighed.

"Whatever. You need to ask him out, though." Keith nodded.

"Fine. Can I sleep here?"

"Sure. We have too many guest bedrooms, anyway. Sleep in whichever you'd like. Shiro's not in any, he's sleeping with Matt." Keith nodded.

"Thanks," he muttered, and walked off to a guest bedroom.

Keith woke up the next morning to Pidge's doorbell ringing. He climbed out of bed and walked to the front door to see Pidge talking hushedly to someone behind the door. She turned to Keith.

"There he is," she said to the person behind the door. "You better fucking treat him right, Lance, take care of this one." Pidge walked over to Keith.

"It's for you," she said. Keith walked to the door, and saw Lance holding a single yellow rose. Lance held the rose out to Keith, silently.

"You... you wanna go out with me?" Keith took the rose, grinning. He nodded. Lance smiled brightly, and took Keith's hand. He kissed it sweetly, and looked up at Keith.

"May I come in, or are we going out?"

"Uhh... can we go out?" Lance nodded, smiling.

"Of course," he said, and guided Keith to his truck.

"I walked here. Cause someone stole my truck." Keith's eyes widened.

"OH- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to steal it." Lance laughed.

"It's alright, red," he said softly. Keith smiled at Lance shyly. Lance chuckled at the boy's attempts to keep from blushing.

"You wanna get dressed so we can go?" Lance asked. Keith froze.

"Yes, you're right, shit I forgot," he mumbled as he raced into his guest bedroom. "You can come in!" He added loudly from the guest bedroom. Lance laughed, and walked in the house, taking a seat on the sofa. He shut the door behind him as quietly as he could, but it ended up waking Shiro.

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