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"Lance! There's a new student today, can you believe it?! I'm so excited! We got chosen to show him around!" Hunk exclaimed as he rammed into Lance, knocking the tall lanky boy over. Lance scrambled to his feet.

"Wait! There's a new kid?! It's a boy?! We have to show him around?! How do you know?!?!" Lance was excited, to say, the least. Never interesting ever happened around his school and he was just dying for something to happen. Especially if there was a new kid.

His mind flashed back to all those romantic movies he watched with Pidge as they grew up.

What if he's cute?! What if he ends up being the one you always hear about in movies?! Jesus Christ, Lance, pull yourself together, it's not a big deal. He thought to himself.

"What does he look like, Hunk? Is he cute?"

"I don't know! Chill, Lance, I'm sure you'll flirt with him regardless."

"....... fair enough," Lance muttered, and stared at his foot as he kicked it back and forth.

"So how'd you find out about the new kid?" He asked as they started their way to their next class- biology.

"Pidge told me originally, then the counselor said she wants you, me, Pidge, Allura, and Shiro to show him around the school. She also said he's a family friend of Shiro. Apparently his parents died in a fire recently, and he has to go live with Shiro now. It's crazy." Lance nodded. He and Hunk spent the rest of the way to Biology in silence.

/time skip W00\

*bell rings*

"Okay, Lance, we gotta go to the office for the new kid. He's gonna get there around now, so we can show him around after school." Lance nodded. He and Hunk made their way to the front office, Lance almost skipping with excitement.

"Do you think he'll be cute? I think so. You said he's from Korea, right? Yeah, he'll have to be cute, I mean, those BTS dudes can fuck me anytime, so he'll probably be gorgeous. Why do you think they chose me to help show him around with you guys? I mean I'm failing most of my classes, I get in trouble a lot, and I wouldn't be great helping someone around the school considering I got lost on the way to math yesterday-" Lance was rambling. Hunk rolled his eyes and sighed.


"Yes, Hunk?"

"Shut up. You're rambling again. And besides, we're here, and he's right there, so if you want to know what he looks like, go see for yourself!" Lance bolted into the front office to see a pale Korean boy with a black mullet down to his shoulders. He was wearing a black t shirt and red and white cropped leather jacket. With that he wore black skinny jeans.

"Holy shit," Lance muttered. Forget those BTS guys, this boy is hot as fuck!

"H-hi," Lance said, sticking his hand out. "The name's Lance." Keith shyly nodded.

"Keith, try to introduce yourself to Lance please," said the lady in a suit from social services. Keith turned to her with terrified, pleading eyes.

"Keith." The boy sighed, and took Lance's hand.

"My name's Keith. Nice to meet you, L-Laine...?"


"Lance." Hearing the boy repeat his name back at him sent Lance's heart "aglow" as he would later describe to Pidge.

Lance smiled reassuringly at the nervous boy, although on the inside, he was screaming.

"Lance," Hunk whispered, "you haven't let go of his hand yet." Lance looked down to see that he was still gripping Keith's hand, rather tightly at that. He let go quickly, and backed away. He hoped Keith was as much of a flustered mess that he was. He snuck a look to see that Keith's face was bright red. His eyes had widened. Lance grinned. He wasn't the only one.

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