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"Hey, uh, let's try to be less sentimental, maybe? I don't know, my sister has anxiety and it usually helps her to laugh, I guess." Keith nodded. He and Lance had been walking for two minutes, and hadn't said a word to each other. Lance wasn't sure what he should say, and Keith couldn't say anything.

"So.... what do you prefer during anxiety attacks? I mean, my sister hates hugs during anxiety because they make her feel trapped, but would hugs help you? Cause, I mean, I'm up for hugs." Keith nodded a bit.

"Hugging you would help?" Another nod. Lance stopped walking and pulled Keith into a hug.

"Alright, man, you'll- uh, you'll be okay, alright? There's nothing to be worried about. I'm right here, okay?" Keith nodded.

The two boys stood like that for several minutes, until Keith calmed down.

"You ready to go back? I'll make sure they don't stare at you like that again." Keith nodded against Lance's chest. Lance smiled softly, and they began to make their way back.

"I just realized you haven't properly met Pidge yet." Keith shook his head. Lance gaped.

"She's...... interesting.... and very gay... I think she wore all rainbow today just to spite the girl who's been picking on her." Keith laughed.

"M'lady," Lance said as he opened the door to the office for Keith. Keith giggled a bit, blushing. They entered the office, and sure enough, there was Pidge, in a rainbow sweater, rainbow leggings, rainbow tutu, and rainbow streamers throughout her hair. Her facial expression didn't match the outfit, however, cause she looked really pissed off. Shiro looked at the outfit questioningly. Pidge glared at him.

"It's a long story, don't ask," she grumbled, and slumped into a seat next to Lance.

"What's got you so angry today?" Lance asked her. He immediately regretted asking her.

"Well- you see, the teacher was coming around stamping people's planners if they needed to go to tutorials, and I have been doing great on the past subject! I've been acing all the quizzes and everything! But I'm a lazy mess and I didn't turn homework in, so she thinks I need help learning it. I don't. I just need to do my algebra homework instead of watching Stranger Things." Lance nodded, sure Pidge was done. She was not. "And so this morning, I had to go to this stupid tutorial with all these other kids who don't know the answers at all, and don't seem to understand how simple it is, and they went so slow, Lance! I figured out the equation less than a minute after we got the problem. They didn't focus on the equation until doing tons of useless shit, ten minutes later! And I just- I hate my math teacher! Ugh!" Lance laughed.

"You done ranting?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah." Lance laughed.

"Should've sent me instead. I don't understand algebra at all." Keith tilted his head.

"How do you not understand algebra? It's so easy!"

"Maybe for you it is! But not for me! Since when did letters belong in math?!" Pidge opened her mouth to say something, but quickly shut it.

"You're stupid," Keith muttered, laughing a bit. Lance rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, asshole."

The two boys stopped talking to each other until they got in the car together to go to Lance's house.

"Good luck," Lance muttered quickly before they climbed out of the car to go into the house.

As soon as Keith walked in the door he was bombarded by several people. The first being a small four year old boy.

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