He hits you part 2

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So here's part 2 :) Feel free to leave request if you have something you want to read! And it would mean the world if you would comment, vote or share with your friends! :)

*Your POV*

After crying in bed for I don't know how long I eventually fell asleep. I woke up again at around 7 am. No sign of Harry. Was he really gone?
I slowly get myself out of bed and look around the apartment. "Harry? Are you home?" I called out timidly but got no answer back. OK. He did hit me and that's something you should never ever do, but I was still worried about him.
I decided to make some phone calls and ask around for Harry. Naturally I start with Louis because that's the most obvious place he would go.
"Hey Lou, it's Y/N. I was just wondering if by any chance Harry crashed at your place last night?"
"Uhm, I don't know. Let me check the guest bedroom." I felt my heart race when I heard Louis walk around his house. I was hoping Harry would be there.
"No, sorry. He's not here."
"Oh... that's alright, maybe I'll try Liam's."
"What's going on Y/N?" Louis asked sincerely. "Nothing, Harry just went out last night and didn't come back and I'm a little worried..." I felt tears spring to my eyes.
"Y/N?" Louis asked, "what's going on?"
"Nothing. I better call Liam now. Thanks for the help Lou."
"Wait! I'll call the boys, then I'll come right over, just wait!"
"Okay." I sniffled. I'm just worried about him. I don't really want him to come back, but I just want to know that he's alright. Ten minutes later the front door opened and closed softly again revealing Louis.
"What happened?" Louis' eyes instantly gaze to my red and slightly purple cheek. "Y/N? Did, did Harry do that to you?"
All I could do was sniffle, "it was in the heat of the moment. We had a small argument that got intense and Harry left..." I explained, "it was my fault."
Louis' phone started ringing and he instantly shot up from the couch taking out his phone. "Zayn? Did you guys find him? Well bring him here regardless of what state he's in. I need to give him a piece of my mind!"
"Honestly Lou. It was my fault. I knew I shouldn't have pushed him to do things."
"Y/N. It doesn't matter what happened. Whatever happened is between you two, but he should never ever put his hands on you... in that way." Soon the front door opened and in came three boys and one shortly after who was looking down at his shoes as he walked inside.
He looked up at me with guilty written all over his face, his eyes scanning my cheek.
"Kitten... I'm. I'm so sorry." He tried to reach for my hand but I backed away quickly. "Don't touch me."
"I... I don't know what came over me. I would never do that in my life. You have to believe me Kitten." Again, he tried to hug me, but I backed away further. "But you did do it Harry. And those things you said..."
"Maybe we should go." Louis piped in. "Don't you dare leave me!" I quickly grabbed Louis' hand and pulled him towards me and Harry looked so hurt.
"You know I'll never do that ever again. This month has just been so tough with everything going on and seeing the rumours on TV and the papers about you cheating and I was so dumb to even think that could be true." His eyes began to get glossy. "And I started to distance myself then I got really angry and I don't know. I know there's no excuse to what I did to you, but please, I swear on everything I own that I will never do anything like that again and I promise I'll start helping you do things Y/N. I don't want our marriage to be over." He sat down on the sofa and put his hands in his head. "I'm so, so, so sorry. So Sorry." He mumbled over and over again. I really did believe him. He looked so sorry.
I slowly let go of my death grip of Louis' hand and walked slowly to the sofa, and carefully sat down next to Harry. "I believe you Harry." I whispered making his head shoot up. "I, I'm sorry for being so harsh on you. I didn't even notice you were having a hard time."
Harry sighed with relief. "No Kitten, I was just being stupid. I love you so much!"

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