"So what should we do now?" Harry asked when they were gone. 

"We should go lay down and cuddle." Draco replied. 

"Sound's like a brilliant idea."

So the two walked upstairs and laid down in Harry's bed, Harry snuggling up into Draco.

~ ~ ~

On the lead up to the following Sunday Brunch, the two men spent most of their time cuddling, playing board games, and just chatting. It wasn't until Saturday night that it really kicked in that the two of them were going to Harry's family's house for a meal, and this was going to be the first time that they were going to be properly meeting his Family, getting their approval. 

Draco tried not to worry, because he knew that if he worried it would only stress Harry out more, and Harry was worrying enough for the both of them as it was. 

"Are you sure you want to of this?" Harry asked for the third time the night before the big brunch, the two of them were laying in bed, Draco's arms were wrapped around Harry's torso, it was dark out and they both had their eye's closed. 

"Yes Harry, I do. I want to meet your family and I want them all to like me, and approve of us. That won't happen if we don't actually show up." 

"I guess you're right, however they already approve of us."

"I'm sure they do, however we want them to approve as much as possible, because you are stuck with me forever Potter, and if you're stuck with me, I am stuck with them. That mean's we have you like each other otherwise ever family get together would be a massive shit show." 

Harry laughed after hearing this, "I guess you're right." 

"I'm always right." Draco yawned, causing Harry to yawn. "Okay love, get some sleep we are going to be needing as much energy as we can get our hands onto tomorrow." 

~ ~ ~

The next morning the two men were rushing around, even though Harry had set his muggle alarm clock for an early time so they would have more than enough time to get ready in the morning, the two of them still slept in, and they had about an hour before they had to be at the burrow. 

An hour for them both to shower, get dressed, have a 'short' make-out session, and leave. Now this doesn't sad all that bad if it weren't for the fact that Draco had decided that 20 minutes to do his hair was the perfect amount, and now they were almost already late.

"I swear to merlin Malfoy, i will hex your balls off if you don't hurry up." Harry threatened.

"Calm down Potter, I am the master of time and I know that we will arrive there on time, don't worry. Honestly, just give me a moment."

"Why are you even doing your hair, actually, what are you even doing to you hair, it's too long for you to slick it back." 

"You will see, in about 3 seconds." And just when Draco replied, he walked out of the bathroom with his hair in a braid, going down his back.

"You look great, now come on." Harry groaned. He really didn't want to be late for his family all because Draco was putting his hair in a braid. 

"Yes, yes, I'm coming, calm down Harry honestly. We are leaving now, and we said we would be there 10 minutes from now, so don't worry." Draco walked over to Harry, and wrapped his arms around him, then kissed him on his forehead as Draco was taller than Harry.

The two then ran down the stairs, and put on their shoes, with the painting of Mrs. Black yelling at them. 

"Ready?" Draco asked.

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