Chapter 8: Can't Remember to Forget You

Start from the beginning

One minute we were all right behind Jeffie, and the next he was just a tiny dot in the distance. We ran as fast as we could, but he only seemed to get further. I grit my teeth in frustration, about to start stabbing anything in reach when my foot met sand. I looked down.

We're back at the beach? How...? I walked ahead, and my heart leaped when I saw footprints. I followed them hastily,  and when they stopped I looked around. I did a 360, not seeing anything. I took another step, and something gave way under my foot.

I tapped it with my foot. I reached down and pawed through the sand, until a single converse shoe came into my sight. I picked it up, dropping my machete in the sand. Jeffie's shoe.

Jeffie, where the hell are you?


~Jeffie's POV~

I waited a few seconds, expecting to hear footsteps of some kind when suddenly a guy dropped form the fucking sky in front of me.

"S-Shit! Dude, the door is open!" I exclaimed, panting. The guy standing before me had auburn hair, rich tan skin and bright blue eyes. Aye papi. He was shirtless, save for a burgundy silk vest that hung unbuttoned over his chest, and he wore white parachute pants.

He stepped closer to me, his eyes scanning me closely. I noticed a nipple ring upon closer inspection. Do with that information what you will.

"Jeffie. Do you remember me?" He asked, his cinnamon scented breath fanning my face. I blinked.

Why is that smell so familiar? I looked at his face again, studying it hard. He stared back, unblinking, as though he knew exactly what I was doing. I tried to imagine his face younger, laughing, playing...

"'re Maddox. I remember you now." I said, and his eyes brightened. He smiled, and it was like the sun coming out on a frosty winter morning. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Jeffie, I have waited so long to hear you say that." I smiled for a second more, before it faded and a confused look took it's place.

"But Maddox...what am I doing here? What are we all doing here? I used to think this place was part of my imagination." He looked troubled now, and turned away from me.

"...This is my palace, on my island. I allowed you all to come here, when we were children. I was lonely, living here with nothing but the staff. My father warned me against it, but I had to. I was so alone..." His voice broke, and I wanted to reach out to him, but that only brought me to another important point.

"Why did you tie me up?"

"You wouldn't recognize me right away. I feared you would run." He was right. I woulda been out this bitch.

"But how does this place exist? Isn't it impossible? And if not, why bring us back here?" His fists clenched, and he turned back to face me, his eyes a brighter blue than they were before.

"It exists because I made it so. I was selfish back in my home country, Arabia. My father paid attention to all but me, so I did several rash things for attention. This enraged him when I harmed my brother on accident. My father punished me, saying I would be alone for as long as it took me to learn my lesson. He banished me here."

"We played together as kids though..." I commented, and he met my eyes calmly.

"Yes, he sent me here when I was ten. Because my family has magical properties, it had to be secluded. As a child, I thought up all of this, and with  the help of my servants I built it. I created defenses around the island. It didn't last long to amuse me, though. I needed people, company my age."

Jeffie and The Lonely Boys (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now