Too Close

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"like what?"i said, my face turned red now.
Harry:"like I don't know!?"he said with a smirk on his face. This made me weak. He looked hotter than ever or I was feeling weak cause he was so attractive.
"hmm I don't know" you said.
He came closer to you looking at your lips hungrily.
Y/n:"yes" you answer hypnotized from his beautiful face.
Harry:"when was the last time you had sex?"he asked his voice getting horny.
Y/n:"i-I don't really know, it's been a while"
Harry:"hmm that sounds interesting" he touched your lips and then leaned closer to kiss you. The kiss got deeper, while he was squeezing your ass. This made you moan quite but not that quite so Harry could hear it. Harry started playing with your breasts which made you moan even harder.
"do you like that y/n?" harry said whispering in your ear.
"yes" you said feeling yourself getting wet. It's been a long time ago that you felt so horny. You wanted him to touch you desperately. It seemed like he wanted that too. You could tell since you could feel his hard core against you.
He was kissing and sucking your neck causing you to moan in a repeated pace.
Suddenly the phone rang. You tried not to pay any attention but you couldn't just ignore it.. If it was your parents?? You thought...
You run to the phone and Harry looked disappointed.
Y/n:"hello?!"yes"how are you?"are you coming soon?"ok I'll wait for you"bye"
Harry:"who was it?"
Y/n:"Justin, just a really good friend of mine."
Harry:"a really good friend of yours??"he said looking at me in a strange way.
"yepp"you said.
"and what kind of friend is he?"
"just a friend Harry"and he is coming over if you don't mind?"
Harry:"what are you talking about???are you kidding.?I can't go now. You made me hard and you will pay for it"he wishpered in your ear making you feel goosebumps all over your body.
"harry not now"you said feeling your legs getting weak again.

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