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  She drove away far into the woods. once she reached about 20 miles in to the dirty road, she turned right. parked her car in the middle of bushes and walk to the end, towards the edge of the cliff... as she dragged her feet closer to the Edge small rocks started to fall towards the 2-mile drop into the ocean. She took a deep breath and she spread her arms slowly pushing herself forward into a free fall, towards the sea........
you see she had to see him once again she couldn't live another moment without him. she realized that she needed him, she wanted him, she craved him..
Once her body hit the water she drove pretty deep, as she sank and sank into the bottom slowly she opened her eyes and awoke. " Am I Dreaming?" she thought. Something in the distance grabbed her attention. Slowly from a distance she noticed something very dark coming toward her. she couldnt make out what it was, so she began to shake in fear, as she assumed the worst.
When in all reality it was him swimming towards her. He grabbed her arm and slowly brought her to the surface of the water. He slowly brushed his hand across her face removing her hair out of the way...gazing into her eyes he smiled "you made it"...  

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