~ s i x t e e n ~

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Ronan             Paris


From: Ronan 😛



"What's going on are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You sound a little...off."

"I'm okay. I just kind of need someone to talk to."

"Oh...well I'm here if you need me."

"I mean I don't want to bother you."

"No it's no bother."

"Oh okay."



"So what's going on?"

"Oh yeah. So...as you know, my brother is in town."

"Oh yeah how's that going?"

"Obviously not well because I'm about to rant about it."

"Oh. I see."

"Ugh I hate him."

"No you don't. I know you want to hate him...but you don't."

"...I think you're forgetting about him kissing my girlfriend and punching me in the face."

"Geez I hate that guy."

"Told you."

"Haha. So why did he punch you anyway?"

"I punched him."

"You...punched him?"


"Why'd you do that?"

"He walked into my house."

"...you punched him in the face because he walked into your house?"

"I never said I punched him in the face."

"You said you punched him."

"Yeah but...not in the face."

"Okay...I think you've got some issues."

"Stop laughing this isn't funny. I had a right to punch him. He's had it coming for a long time."

"I️ know but...wouldn't it benefit you to just move on? I mean, did he apologize?"

"No. He's a jerk."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

"Not really."

"Yeah but it makes me feel better to say it."

"Haha okay."



"I'm sorry for what happened with Jensen. I know you're pretty much over it but...still. It sucks."

"Yeah it does. But there must be better out there for me, you know?"

"Yeah you deserve more than that."




"Are we ever going to talk about...before?"

"I don't know Ronan...do you want to talk about it?"

"I don't know. To be honest, it's kind of weird to think about after all this time."

"It was only two years ago haha."

"I know but...it happened right before you and Jensen started dating and so now it just seems really wrong."

"I know."

"So...do you - I don't know - want to talk about it? Or something?"

"Well you obviously do so I'm up for it if you are. It shouldn't be that big of a deal."

"Well it's not really...it's just, I thought I messed up."

"Messed up what, Ronan?"

"I don't know...our relationship I guess?"

  "You didn't mess up anything. Everything happens for a reason."

"You think?"

"Yeah...I mean you found Rose and...I found Jensen."

"Yeah look at us now. Things worked out just perfectly for both of us."


"I'm sorry I'm not trying to be a downer. I just...I can't help but wonder what it would be like if things had turned out differently."

  "I guess I think about that too. But we can't change the past."

"I know. And I still remember how much you liked Jensen and wanted to be with him. Even before he asked you out. Why didn't you tell me about him before?"


"Paris? You there?"

  "Yeah I'm here."


  "I was so confused back then, Ronan."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...you don't know the real reason I started dating Jensen."

"What? You dated him because you were practically in love with the guy since you laid eyes on him."

"That's not true."

"What? You told me yourself when he asked you out that you liked him long before that."

"I told you that but...that doesn't mean it was the truth. Yes, I did love him. That's why we were together for the last two years. We had a great run. But...the real reason I️ dated him is because I-"


"Paris? Are you there?"


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