Chapter 4

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Stan's POV

"Dude come on, it's the only way" Cartman argues, we found something alright but what we found wasn't something I was up for what we found was a page full of my name in hearts. She had a crush on me, Cartman suggested I date Y/N until we win and then dump her but that didn't sit right with me, sure it would be fun to win that money and play in different places but I wasn't gonna just use Y/N.

"The answer is no" I argue back Kyle was happy to hear this but Cartman was the entire opposite leaving with Kenny, I left shortly after heading home. Once I got home my sister and mom were watching some romance movie.

"Oh Stan your home, have you seen your father?" my mom asked I shook my head hoping he's not being an idiot. I climbed the stairs and landed on my bed letting out a sigh and closed my eyes letting the sand man send me to sleep. I tossed and turned most of the night until I gave in and headed downstairs to get a glass of water, it was late around 3am my mom, sister and grandpa asleep but I saw the kitchen light was on someone was up but who?

"Dad?" I asked while my eyes adjust to the bright lights he burps and the smell of booze hits me he's been drinking my stomach twisted giving me a bad feeling.

"Stan! Ow... I did something but you can't tell your mom" he groans running his hands through his hair.

"Dad what did you do?" I asked feeling my stomach sink. My dad went on to explain that he was bragging about his son being in a bad and that my band was going to go all the way, someone disagreed I was hoping he just go into a fight but no.

"You bet how much?!" I gasped

"$5000 Stan, he was a big shot had a suit and everything" my dad argued back, what the fuck were we gonna do?!

"Dad, you just lost $5000 we don't have that kind of money!" I growled.

"I know which means you've got to win this Stan, at all cost!" he begged. I didn't like what I was gonna have to do but I had to.


The next day I text the guys I wanted to talk to them about the band and we would talk about it at lunch. The day went on like usual and as Cartman promised he slipped Y/N journal into her locker without no one seeing. We went to our usual table I could feel their eyes on me waiting for my answer.

"We're going ahead with the plan" I whisper causing Kyle to drop his sandwich shocked with Cartman and Kenny cheer.

"Knew you would come around Stan"

"What changed? Are you sure your playing with someone heart that's a dangerous game"

"I'm sure Kyle, something came up and I need to win at all costs" I reply determined to win and do anything to do so.


It was getting closer and closer to the auditions only a week left the boys were working hard I was confident that they would ace the auditions. I was taking my seat at Tweeks and Craig's table the others sitting down shortly after. We were talking about school work and then their progress with their instruments.

"So if Clyde picked guitar what did you pick Craig?" Token asked

"Yeah I saw you two go into the closet, what were you up to?" Butters asked the other boys smiling.

"Get your minds out the gutters, Y/N was giving me sing lessons" Craig answered a slight blush on his cheeks I giggled and explained how amazing Craig sounds. The others started to make jokes about what we were really doing making myself and Craig turn red. I couldn't help but laugh while I took to empty my tray but as I turned I was met with a familiar face.

"Stan, hey" I blush

"Hey, I was wondering if you could help me with the guitar I'm trying to add that shine you were talking about" he asked scratching the back of his neck. I felt butterflies to fly around my tummy and my face painted pink.

"Of course Stan, I'll meet you after class" I reply making him smile and nod.

"Sweet, I'll see you after school" he beamed before walking off I sighed trying to calm my racing heart.

Craig's POV

I watched as Y/N left but when I turned back all the guys were smiling trying to hold back a laugh.

"What?!" I hissed making Token laugh

"You like her, it's so easy to see" Clyde smirked I was speechless was I falling for Y/N she was beautiful and she is a really good friend and after last night I did feel my heart race and my cheeks heat up. Did I really like her? I turned back to her and saw Stan talking to her.

"Looks like Stan maybe has a thing for Y/N to" Butters suggested this made me red in the face but not with embarrassment but with anger it seems I was protective of Y/N but was it because I didn't want him taking away my friend or was it because I didn't want him to end up dating her...



After school I walked home with Stan and the guys they decided after I helped Stan they would practice their selected song. They told me some stories about their adventures in this mountain town.

"I can't believe you always get wrapped up in these adventures" I smile amazed by the stories, once we enter the house me and Stan head up to his room and get started he quickly tunes the guitar and plays Young Volcanoes humming the lyrics but keeps loosing his place.

"It's okay play it again leave the lyrics to me" I say and take a breath in and hold it until he starts to play and I begin to sing.

When Rome's in ruin,

We are the lions free of the Colosseums

In poison places, we are anti-venom

We're the beginning of the end

Tonight, the foxes hunt the hounds

It's all over now

Before it has begun

We've already won

We are wild

We are like young volcanoes

We are wild

Americana, exotica

Do you wanna feel a little beautiful, baby?

Come on, make it easy, say I never mattered

Run it up the flag pole,

We will teach you how to make boys next door out of assholes

Tonight, the foxes hunt the hounds

And it's all over now

Before it has begun

We've already won

We are wild

We are like young volcanoes

We are wild

Americana, exotica

Do you wanna feel a little beautiful, baby?

We are wild

We are like young volcanoes

We are wild

Americana, exotica

Do you wanna feel a little beautiful, baby?

Stan's POV

"That was amazing" I breathed I almost forgot how amazing she was at singing it was like she had put me into a trance my fingers moved on their own and I played it perfectly she smiled to me blushing.

"Your an amazing singer Y/N why don't you practice with us it will be so much easier to play as a band with us not humming the song in our head" she looked down and thought before giving a slight nod and headed down stairs and into the basement.

Cartman seemed to be right girls would do anything to make their crush happy. Okay Stan don't mess this up...

In the Band- Stan X ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora