I looked over at Coco just in time to see her mow down eleven Beowolves with her mini gun. She turned towards me and gave me a cocky grin.

I pointed to the deceased Nevermore and she shrugged.
"It still counts as one."

Just then a loud roar echoed though the forest, we both turned towards the sound and heard heavy footsteps coming closer.

Several trees were knocked down as the Beringel rushed into the clearing we were in, it looked at us and roared simultaneously beating it's chest.

Coco smirked at it's appearance.
"Well well, look who showed up late to the party."

I glanced at her, "Call this the tie-breaker round?"

"Deal, let's do this."

She aimed the mini gun at the Beringel but the ape like Grimm rushed forward, with a speed that seemed impossible for something it's size, and threw a punch at her.

She raised the gun and barely managed to block the punch, but the force of the blow was powerful enough to send her skidding back several meters.

The Grimm was relentless and continued to rain punches at her, she blocked most of them but I could see them wearing her down bit by bit.

While it was focused on her I ran behind it and grabbed it by the waist, I bent backwards and suplexed it into the ground. But it quickly got back up and now focused on me sending blow after blow which I blocked with my forearms. I grabbed it's fist and kicked it in the jaw, I rushed forward only to be knocked back by the Beringel's arm as it spun around. I got up and shook my head groggly.

Damn that hurt, this things actually putting up a fight for once unlike the others. Guess I'll have to get serious.

As it roared at me I pressed the button and began to juice up again.


I turned towards the Beringel and grinned savagely, I raised my hands and taunted the Grimm.

"Come and get some!"

The Beringel charged at me, at the same time I rushed forward with my fist raised. As it threw a punch I ducked under the swing and drove my fist into it's stomach sending it into the air. I then followed up with a kick directly in the jaw knocking it on it's back, I grabbed it and raised it above my head.

All my enemies will meet the same end as you.
I thought as I brought the Beringel's spine down on my knee with full force, literally breaking it in half.

I turned around and saw Coco standing behind me her eyes wide in shock. "Damn, I knew you were strong and all but wasn't that a bit much?"

"What makes you think that?"

"You literally broke it in half Bane, a living breathing Grimm and you just snapped it like a dry twig. No one else can do that, not even Yatsuhashi."

She looked down and sighed,
"If that's what happens to the Grimm then what about people, how much worse?"

I sighed and picked up her hat that fell off during the fight, I placed it in her hands and tilted her face to look at mine.

"Hey I'm on your side, I'm a huntsman now and you're my partner. As such I'll protect you to the best of my abilities from anything."

I motioned towards the village "Now come on, you owe me a drink anyways."

She seemed to relax and we both began heading back towards the town.

(Several hours later)

"*Hic* G-Give me another, we gonna party tonight! Woo-hoo!!"

Jesus woman it's barely been your second drink and you're already this smashed? Talk about a lightweight.

I slowly untangled the bottle from her hands and set it down beside me.

"I think you've had enough for tonight."

"Awww come now Baney*hic* don't be like that, join the party!"

"Scratch that, you've definitely had more than enough." I pulled the second bottle away from her hand and set it beside me, she saw the bottles and tried to reach over me.

"Gimme another."

I shook my head and picked her up,
"No what you're getting is a warm bath and a bed. Hopefully this will be over tomorrow."

She pouted and glared slightly at me.
"You're no fun*hic* you're always soooo serious Bane." She slurred and then began giggling as I set her on my back.

Remind myself to never ask her to go drinking with me again.

She then grabbed my mask and pulled it off, I took it back from her but she stopped me from putting it back on. She started to slip and I quickly caught her and then carried her in my arms, she looked at me and had a goofy smile.

"Heh well waddaya know? You're not all*hic*rough and tough. You have a soft side."

I scoffed at her words.
"You saw me snap a Grimm in half while it was still alive, and you're calling me soft?"

"But if you weren't then why are you helpin me huh?Explain that big guy."

I sighed and made my way into our room and set her down on her bed.

"Alright, I'm gonna prepare a bath and hopefully that will help you sober up as well as not smell like alcohol."

She nodded and I went into the bathroom and filled up the bathtub. A few minutes later I heard the door open.

"Is it done yet? I'm all ready and waiting." She said with a giggle.

Wait, you mean you're....

I turned around and sighed.

Fuck me, why is this happening?

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Fuck me, why is this happening?

I walked past her and into the room closing the door behind me, several minutes later she came out in a Tshirt and shorts. I turned off the light and lay down, a few minutes later I felt something soft wrap around my chest.

"Coco, you have your own bed."

She snuggled into my back, "But it's warm here." She said in a pouting tone.

I sighed and turned to face her.
"Fine, just......be quiet ok?"

She nodded and began to cuddle me, slowly she fell asleep as I lay down beside her.

This is gonna be a long night.

(A/N Alright now that's done. And I'm not making a lemon, just changed things up a bit that's all. Also that drunk scene I based it off my own experience. Word of advice, never buy your girlfriend a Martini as her first cocktail. But anyways thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed and as always have a lovely day / evening / night)

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