"We should probably head down now" Kathleen walked out, dressed nice.

"Ma, are we under dressed?" Kevin said with a smirk.

"It's a working breakfast, Kevin! Now, let's not keep David waiting!" she rushed out the door in a huff. Kevin chuckled toward's his boyfriend "Maybe someone has a little crush...?"

"It does happen sometimes, I guess we will just have to wait and see. Afterall, your mother does deserve happiness too."

"Oh god, I never thought I would have a step parent..." Kevin groans.

"It'll be alright. At least we know that he won't try to attack us" Edd reassures sweetly.

"I guess... I just hope he's not one of those 'evil step parents' you always hear about" Kevin groaned, following his mother at a distance.

"Your mother is too caring to even let that happen. I'm sure she'll end it if anyone tries to treat you badly."

"Care to remember who my father is? And it's 'Us'... We're a team now. And you're right, I just don't like the thought of her going out with other people. She's my Mom, I don't like to share."

"I know it's going to be weird and a little awkward but maybe it's for the best" Edd grabs Kevin's hand and gives it a small squeeze. Getting into the car, the trio took off to a large diner and got a table in the back so they could talk without being disturbed. David quickly joined them and Kevin visibly relaxed. He could tell that there was little to no chance that this man was anything more than a friend to his Mother. Breakfast was spent filling David in on the recent events, going over police reports, and verifying information. They left with an assurance that the divorce will be done as quick as possible and orders of protections would be in place for everyone.

Once they returned to the hotel and they were walking back to their room, Kevin ventured a question. "Hey, wanna go down to the water park?"

"Sure! Let me get changed and grab a book then we can go down there."

"I'm gonna be in the pool all by myself...? Okay, that's your call..." Kevin teased as he changed into his trunks.

"I...I'll join you..." Edd says timidly, looking Kevin up and down "Just don't let me drown."

"I would never" Kevin grinned widely, surprised that he got Edd to agree so easily but excited to get him all to himself in the jacuzzi.

"Promise?" Edd asks returning the grin. He holds out his hand for Kevin to take and walks towards the door.

"Promise" he collected their wrist bands and made their way down to the park. They found a place for their towels and Kevin drug Edd to the wave pool, which was calm... for the moment. Kevin guides Edd to the deep end and holds him in his arms. The waves begin to rise a few minutes later. Edd remains calm until the waves grow higher and higher. One wave in particular washes over their heads and knocks Edd's hat off. It isn't until the waves stop that he notices the long curly locks sticking to his head. Panic sets in as he tries to hide his face in Kevin's chest. "I should have known this would happen!" he cries.

Kevin quickly spies the black hat at the bottom and dives under water and quickly get it, re-surface, and slide it back onto Edd's head. "There, better?"

Edd shakes his head as the water mixed with his tears. "No, everyone saw it."

"Baby... Look around, no one is ever looking at you..."

Edd looks around and sniffs. "You sure?"

"I'm positive... Everyone is just kind of floating around, waiting for the waves to come back. I just wanna float around with you. C'mere..." Kevin wraps Edd's legs around his waist and uses his arms to pull Edd into him. "It's only 5ft deep here anyway" he smiles with a small laugh.

The Beginning of ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now