Chapter 10

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I must have fallen asleep, because when I came to Demi was gone and I was alone. I was still trying to get it through my mind that I was living with Demi Lovato. I just couldn't believe it. I don't see why she even wants me here... While I was lost in thought Demi walked in.

"Hey sweetie. How are you feeling?"

"Um, I'm alright I guess."

"You sure? You don't have to keep stuff from me."

"Yeah I know. I'm alright I am just lost in thought. Nothing serious."

Demi sighed and got up.

"I'm sorry I have to do this, but tomorrow is Monday.. You have school."

I immediately started crying. I couldn't handle it. Kelsie, would kill me when she sees me. No. No. No. I was crying uncontrollably, and I couldn't stop. Demi grabbed my hand and wrapped me in her arms.

"Honey, it's okay. Shh."

"No it's not. Kelsie will be there. She'll kill me!"

"Don't worry, if she does anything you tell me and I'll take care of it."

I felt like she was just saying that to make me shut up, and I'm probably right. She doesn't care she just feels pity for me. But, she can't know I feel like this so I guess I'll fake a smile and get through. As usual.

I forced on the fake smile and said, "Thanks Demi."

"You don't have to thank me, Sky.... Oh, Uh there is one more thing we need to talk about."

Oh know, here it is. She want me gone. I knew this would happen.. Well it was good while it lasted.

"No need to continue.. I get it you're tired of me.. I'll just go.."

"No! Sky, oh god no. I am not tired of you at all. Actually I wanted to know.. Maybe.. If you wanted to stay here.. Permanently."

"Really?" She couldn't be serious. Why would she want me? I'm too much work.. She doesn't need the extra stress of me around.

"Yes really. That is if you want to stay.."

No way! Demi really wanted me.

"Of course!!" I smiled hugging Demi.

"Great! I'm so happy you want to stay!"

Of course I wanted to stay. Demi was the most amazing thing that ever happened to me. I couldn't be more grateful to have her in my life, but I didn't want to cause her any problems.

"I really do, but if I cause you problems, or even cause you to relapse due to my problems I would never forgive myself. Ever."

"How could you say you'd ever cause me problems or to relapse? Sky, I love you so much and I want to be here for you. I will do anything to help you recover."

"But, why? Why do you care so much? How do I deserve your help?"

"You have so much potential and so much to live for, and I don't want to see you throw it all away. You are a sweet, strong, and innocent girl who has been through too much in life. I want to give you the life that you deserve more than anything."

I was crying again now. I couldn't believe what she just said. I was speechless now. I just starred at the floor watching my tears hid my hand. Demi reached out, and I felt her soft touch on my chin. She lifted my chin to where I was looking directly at her.

"I know what you are thinking. Every word of that was true."

"I know, Demi.. I know." Demi wrapped her arms around me for the I don't know what number time and rubbed my back.

"If you really do want to stay here..."

"I do."

"..then I think we should make you more at home."

"What do you mean?"

"Clothes, furniture, etcetera."

I didn't want Demi spending anything money on me, I'm not worth it at all..

"Thanks Demz... I seriously can't thank you enough for all you've done."

"You don't have to thank me."

I did.. But I wasn't going to argue. I knew what was coming though... Food. I could just tell. I was not ready to eat.. I am way to fat to eat anything and I wish Demi could see it, so she'd agree.

"Hey, Demi I'll be right back I'm gonna go check my phone."


I quickly got up and half ran to the kitchen where my only back was sitting. I unzipped the smallest pocket, and saw I had 3 new messages. They were all from an unknown number, the first one said,

"Hey, slut I see you're with that fat fuck up of a celebrity.. I just can't wait to see you at school I'm going to make you wish you were dead." I'm positive that was from Kelsie.. The others must be as well. The second said,

"I'm waiting for the day you kill yourself. It'll be the best day ever" Kelsie of course. The third one said,

"Go cut you emo freak you're worthless" Kelsie. I'm done. Not going to be strong. I grabbed my emergency blade and ran to the bathroom slamming the door behind me. Demi's screaming my name, but all I hear is that voice in my head telling me to cut.

One cut.

Two cuts.

Three cuts.

I've lost count.. My entire wrist is covered in blood. I'm beginning to feel extremely dizzy... I look at my wrist... The blood is coming way to fast.. What have I done?! Demi finally gets the door open.. She just stares at me.. No expression and no words.. Just silent tears. She runs out of the bathroom and returns with her phone.. She dials 911.

"Yes I need an ambulance immediately my daughter has cut herself to de....."

Her voice trails off.. Did she just call me her daughter? I really do mean a lot to her.. Why do I screw everything up..? The room begins to spin even more, and my vision starts to blur. I can't tell what is going on. I hear Demi's sobs in the distance, then her lips touch my forehead as she whispers,

"I love you no matter what"

The room begins to go black.. My breathing becomes unsteady.. And, before I could grasp the situation.. I'm out.

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