Chapter 5

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"Demi help me!"

As soon as those words escaped my mouth my father barged through the door. He was talking, but i couldn't understand him. I was in my closet where i was hopefully safe for now. 

"Sky, honey what's going on?" Demi sounded terrified. Oh no..what have i done? I can't get her involved in my life, she'll just get hurt. Now i was scared. Demi spoke again.

"Honey, what's wrong? You're scaring me." Now she was crying. Oh no. Finally i answered.

"I..uh..can..can you come get me please?" I was crying now, great. Now she knows how weak i am. Before i could get lost in my thoughts she answered me.

"Yes i'll be there in 5 minutes." Then she hung up. I was alone again. I was scared. My head was throbbing, and my father was stumbling around my room looking for me. I heard him yell.

"You little worthless brat where are you!?" Those words stung like the blade to my skin. I was trying my best to be silent, but my crying broke the silence. He found me.

"There you are little bitch. C'mon i'm not done with you!" He was furious. I didn't know what to do. I sat there and took the blow to my head like it was nothing. The second made me dizzy. Now he had me down and was kicking my ribs. I was terrified. As soon as i thought it was over i heard the front door crash in. Then, someone yell.


My father looked at me and spit in my face. 

"You little worthless brat. Nobody will ever want you. I hope i never see you again." And with that he was arrested. I felt the room begin to spin, and my whole body go numb. I heard yelling coming from my room, and Demi. I heard Demi. She had actually come. Did she care that much? Wow...i didn't think anyone cared. Lost in my train of thought i didn't notice being carried out on a stretcher and put in an ambulance. Was it all that bad? 


I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I heard beeping, and the whole room was white. Atleast most of it. I tried to move, but i couldn't. I started to freak out, because i didn't know where i was nor what was happening. Before i could panic too much a familiar two arms wrapped me up in a warm hug. It was Demi..her amazing scent of flowers and coffee filled my mind. I felt so safe.

"Sky, honey! You had me worried sick! I am so glad you're ok!" This was the first time i got a good look a Demi since school. She had tear stains on her cheeks and her eyes were red. She'd been crying.

"W..why have you been crying?" I finally managed to ask.

"I saw how bad your father had beaten you. Your head was bleeding, and you were curled up in a ball in the closet. There were glass shards in your skin..." Demi seemed like she was going to start back crying, so i motioned for her to stop.

"I am really sorry you saw me like that...i should have never bothered you.." I replied meaning every word. Demi teared up at this.

" didn't bother me at all. I am so glad i called the cops, you could have died if he'd hit you a few more times in the head. I am just glad you're ok."

" my father's in jail...where will i go?" 

"Remember our conversation about this? You're going to come stay with me if the courts agree." Could this really be happening. My idol. The only reason i didn't kill myself. The reason i try to be strong. Demi Fucking Lovato....adopting me?

"Demi...why would you want me?" 

"'re so strong. You need someone. You have so much potential, and i don't want to see you throw it all away. You need someone to go to..someone you trust...and mostly you need to be where you are safe. But, it's all up to you..if you don't want to come with me that's ok."

"No! I want to come! More than anything. You're like the only reason i'm still here! Please don't leave me."

"Sweetheart, i promise from this point on i will never ever leave you, and if you ever need anything i'll be there." I knew Demi meant that. All i could do at that point was smile. 

"Thank you Demi. You might have just saved my life again." 

Demi kissed my forehead and told me to get some rest. I was being released the next day. 

"Love you Sky."

"I love you also Demz."

I felt so safe. Like, nobody would hurt me anymore. I just...i just hope this whole thing doesn't hurt Demi. I'd never forgive myself. Ever. With that i fell asleep..With Demi holding my hand and softly humming Warrior...i was actually happy. For the first time in years...i was happy.

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