Chapter 25

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3 hours and 45 minutes had passed, but not alot had changed.

Alice was still sat in the same position as before, back against the wall and her knees held close to her chest. The only difference was that now her head was resting on my shoulder as she snored lightly.

Her father remained unconcious on the kitchen floor, however the pool of blood had now doubled in size. I fished my phone out from my pocket and dialled 999, asking for the police. I made sure to whisper into my phone as i did not intend to wake up Alice. As my short conversation ended, i placed my phone back into my jeans pocket and stood up slowly, one hand holding Alices head so it wouldnt suddenly flop to the side. I managed to get one hand under her head and the other around her waist, carrying the sleeping girl upto where ever i thought her room could be. Im sure i had previously mentioned how extraordinarily light weight she was, and it was just as her whole body weight rested in my assistance, that I realizes I could feel every fragile bone poking out of her back. The feeling made me cringe as I effortlessly carried her up to her room.

There were only 3 rooms upstairs, one was left half open which i recognized as the bathroom, the other was fully open revealing a king sized bed with black sheets and dark blue walls. This was way to manly to be Alices room.

I carried on my shortlived search till I reaced the end of the small hallway, where i found a white door embroidered with small, handmade flower designs. I kicked the door open and let out a small gasp at her room.

As I took my first step inside I had to crouch a little to prevent my head hitting the incredibly low ceiling. On my right side, there was a bed which honestly looked like it was made to the scale of a six year old kid. Her room was small that it took me only 3 long strides to reach the other end. I lay her down on the bed, which squeaked loudly in dissaproval and I studied the walls. They were painted a deep red which was now peeling off to show what looked like a painting hidden behind it. Curiosity got the better of me and I couldnt help but grab the small fold of wallpaper which was peeling off and pulled it off.

i ripped desperatly at the wallpaper, eager to see what piece of art was hidden beyond it.

I managed to yank off the last piece of paper and stod back, staring at the painting with mixed emotions running through my mind. Half of them were just pure astonishment, gazing in awe at the incredible skills this girl possessed, whilst the other half was a mixture of confusion, anger and pain at what the painting showed.

It was an angel, painted in white on a light blue background. Her head was bowed down showing just a jumble of blondish/brown curls, her knees clutched tightly to her chest and her body crouched in a scared position.

A thick grey chain was wrapped around one of her ankles, secured with what looked like a massive, 3 tonne weight, stopping the angel from flying. But what scared me most was the thick plack paint, scribbled in the middle of the angel showing some sort of black hole, and on the floor next to her, her heart painted in black with a red knife resting inside it.

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