Twenty Six: Alicia's Fury 1

Start from the beginning

I shoved my phone inside my jean's pocket when two hands.. no more hands.. suddenly popped out of nowhere and covering my nose..

Then all of it is pitch black..


I woke up to the sound of chatters and saw twelve girls I don't recognize nor know standing infront of me.

I was going to stand up but then I realized I'm tied in ropes.

I looked around and I am somewhat inside an abandoned warehouse..

"What the heck?! Where am I?! Why are you taking me?!" I screeched.

They all fell silent, as if they weren't supposed to say anything.

I saw one of the girls, the chubby one, who looks like she's about to cry..


Why is she looking like she's about to cry when she is with them, kidnapping me?

Nevermind that.

Why am I even here?

"You better get out of Troy's sight, you hear?" One of the girls, skinny, green eyes, red hair, freckles covered her face, wearing a middle schooler's uniform of this school said.

Like I said before, I am not letting go of Troy anymore!

"No way in hell!" I said sticking out my tongue and reaching for the exit, but of course I'm all tied up so I am struggling.

"I'm giving you one last chance to take back what you said and obey us. Will you get out of Troy's sight?" One of the other girls added, threatening me.

What are these girls' problem?! I don't even freaking know them!

"For the second time, No!" I shouted, gritting my teeth.

"In that case.. throw her!" One of the girls who looks like the leader instructed.

"Throw where?!" I asked, my voice panicky.

"Hell." One of them chuckled.

I gulped, okay I am indeed scared but this is for Troy and me!

They opened somewhat, like a room.. I squinted my eyes to see more on what that room is and heck! It ain't a room! It's more like an oven!

They carried me and I kept screaming to the top of my lungs when one of the girls suddenly sticked duct tape in my mouth.

I was muffling the words and even if I'm still meters away from that oven, I can already feel the intense heat, slowly burning my skin.

What do I do now?

Then I've got an idea..

I muffled the word, "Wait" but they can't seem to hear me, I was getting closer in that room-- no, oven.. and the heat is slowly increasing..

I stopped them from throwing me by opening my legs and stepping on the wall, I continued to muffle some words when one of the girls said,

"I think she is trying to say something.."

"Why the heck did you tape her mouth then? Stupid!"

They all started fighting and I used this chance to get away.

The fat girl, which I told you from before that looked like she was crying, she took off the duct tape and untied the ropes while the other girls were fighting.

Thank God middle schoolers are such war freaks.

"Thank you." I mouthed.

She nodded her head and went to join in the fight and stall the other eleven girls.

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