chapter 9

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Paul's pov

  John stayed close to me the whole journey to the chip shop. The cold was worse than it was when we walked into the hotel, my elbows and fingers where being bitten by the cold even though I had tucked them away into the jumper John gave me.
  I didn't know why John reacted the way he did. It hard looking at me like this from a friends point of view. But isn't it hard to look at me full stop?
  I didn't like seeing myself like this either really. But it didn't mean I had to stop. I was the cute Beatle according to the press! wasn't I? Imagine if I gained all my weight back! I wouldn't know what to do with myself. The papers would have field day!
  I'm still not cute, not skinny or anything. But I need comfort right now, And that comfort is coming from eating chippy right now.

  "What do you want, luv?"

John asked as he pushed the door open with one hand while the other guided me inside. I felt a strange sense of being loved when I was around John. A love I haven't felt since my mum died a few years ago. I never knew a best friend could have that sort of effect on me but John managed it.
  Was it normal to love a friend as much as we loved each other? I don't really. But it didn't matter, we were just friends and being a little close with affection didn't mean much.

  "Chips, sausage and gravy please, darling." 

  (This is my order at the chippy, the chip shop in my village is the best in the world don't @ me)

  I laughed at him, playing along with his shenanigans. John rang the bell on the counter and a short, blonde haired girl quickly emerged from the back room. Sue blushed off her apron with her hands before coming to greet us.

  "What can I do for you to? It's not usual we get sober customers in here this late!"

  The lady said with a smile. She seemed sweet. I read her name tag "rose" that's a nice name.

  "Who says we're sober?"

  I giggled. The mood lighter now. We could sleep on the plane tommorow. Right now I'm happy to be here instead of my bed.
   John and I laughed at rose shaking her head at my comment. She still couldn't hide the small smirk on her face.

  "I can't just tell haha. Anyway what can I get you."

   John listed off our order while i stuck my hands into my pockets to retrieve my wallet. Only my hands where met with a few receipts instead. Fucking hell. How fucking smart of me! I've forgotten It!

  "Don't worry Macca, I'll pay."

  John said, reading my mind perfectly. I smiled at him before looking to the floor...ill repay him later.
  "Thanks. I'll pay you back."

  I said, picking up two of the wooden forks in the cup next to the till. I would pay him back, if he's caring for me so much right now doesn't he deserve at least a little bit in return.
  I always payed John back though. Even if the git never returned my money I hated owing things to people. Especially John. I didn't want to rely on him for some reason I always found myself being cared for by him.

  He never did any thing the other boys. He was more tough love and poking jokes when it came to the others. He wasn't the type of person who you'd go to with your problems.  But for some reason John was different towards me. Perhaps we just related on a deeper level than the others? Maybe.
  I was pretty affectionate with George but nothing like how I was with John.
  It was strange really, when I was 16 or so we'd be like the best friends we are and poke jokes at each other while chatting about birds and then a few hours later I'd be falling asleep against his chest. Not something we questioned. Just something we did.

  "I'll bring the food over to you two when it's done. Take a seat!"

  Rose smiled before twisting on her heels and returning to the kitchen. John dragged me over to one of the booths in the corner furthest from the kitchen and closest to the dimly lit back alley street thing. Flowers in painted pots and all sorts of art  scattered the street. It looked strangly beautiful.

  "Oi. Look at me."

  I snapped back into reality when John clicked his fingers in front of my face. He had slid into the seat across from me with some packets of sauce.

  "Oh sorry."

  I smiled, trying to bring my hands out my pockets to retrieve the ketchup to throw back at him as I was having gravy. He wasn't that bright really. My John.
  Receipts fell out as I slipped out my hand and I bent under the table to retrieve it. Deciding to unfold it and read it.

  "Let's see what's Johnny's been buying!"

  I said, cheerfully opening the paper and reading the items list. John made no effort to stop me, he only looked at me with a grin on his face. I don't think he remembers what he baught.

  " Number one from Tesco's! Walkers crisps and an 8 pack of beer! Wow, interesting."

  I laughed and slid the receipt over to John who stuffed it into the pocket of the coat he was wearing. Where it would stay for a few more months.

  "Receipt two! From...xnxx?"

  John's pov

   I laughed softly at Paul's attempt to read the name, Pronoucing it "exanexex", before I realised what he was reading. Xnxx. The fucking porn shop.

"No, not that one Macca."

  I said softly, like I was talking to a child for the second time that night. What has gotten into me.
  My efforts where to late though as Paul was already reading it.

"Why no jo- uh a girls porn magazine and cherry lube? Johnny!"

  Paul blush spread to his ears after it clicked what he had read. I stayed silent. Wishing... Daisy? Violet? Would come out with our food so I didn't have to explain myself.

  "Why a female one Johnny? Aren't they full of boys?"

He asked, still very much confused. I could see him racking his brain for an answer when under all that hair.

  "Yeah. I wanted to see what it was like. There's quizzes and stuff to see what your man would like in bed and stuff. Thought it'd be fun to take them."

  I blurted out. It was sorta true. I did want to take the quizzes but it wasn't the main reason I baught it.


  Stopping here because I think I'll go into John's sexuality in the next chapter. Sorry this one is shit I did try my best.


paper crown (been rewritten better under the name "Wonderwall - mclennon")Where stories live. Discover now