chapter 14

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lukes pov

 "yeah I'll see you soon! love you! bye."

  I sighed as I left the dirty dive bar near the harbour.  I did love seeing my family and friends on stressful days like this but it did get tiresome after a while. especially with aunty rose constantly slurring questions about my children while being far past tipsy. speaking of my children, I was meant to be home to both them and my wife an hour ago.

   I hope they haven't waited up for me because if they have then I'm in deep trouble.

 slowly I made my way down the dark cobbled streets of Liverpool. Deciding to take the 24 hour bus home to save time. the bus stop wasn't too far away and I had some change spare anyway so it wouldn't be a problem.

  I whistled to myself as I made my way to the centre of Liverpool where the closest bus stop was. It was surprisingly barren for a night like this. but there did seem to be a few people out. The same homeless man that always slept outside the pharmacy and some drunk teen passed out on the floor.  I ought to help him out. poor kid probably just drank more then he should have and now has to go home to some angry parents.  quickly I approached the boy, as much as I wanted to help him out I also didn't want to miss my bus. as I got closer and closer it became apparent the boy wasn't doing so good. his face wasn't visible as he had his back to me but through his thin, drenched pjs I could see a tiny boy. literally skin and bones. 

it quickly became apparent this boy wasn't out partying. proved by the fact he was only in pjs as well as his tiny physique. he mustn't be ok. acting quickly I pulled my camera out from my backpack that had just been gifted with aunty rose. I guess it was good she kept me at that bar so long after all as it got me the chance to help this boy out. I snapped a few good pictures of his skinny body in case it makes the news. what can I say I  needed money somehow. my job didn't seem to be going anywhere good.

  I did need some of his face though. I walked round the boy so his back was no longer towards me. I snapped another photo of his front one more time before I crouched down to swipe the hair out of his malnourished face.

  what I saw next froze me in my tracks.

  the starving boy in front of me was none other than Paul McCartney. the Paul McCartney. world famous Paul McCartney.

  This was going to make me rich. very, very rich.

   with the bus long forgotten I snapped a few good photos of the Beatles face before sprinting too the closest phone box to call an ambulance.

  "I'm in Liverpool just by the mersey. A boy is skin and bones and has collapsed in the middle of the square. no I don't know how long he's been there. he's soaked through and freezing. yes. its Paul McCartney. thank you come quick!"

  as soon as the phone went down I immediately dialled another number.

  "is this the daily telegraph? yes? great! oh boy do I have a story for you."


  hey I wrote this while ignoring my friend on skype. please vote and comment as it encourages me to write more. happy 2018 btw!

paper crown (been rewritten better under the name "Wonderwall - mclennon")Where stories live. Discover now