chapter 6

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   John's pov

  "Come on macca. Let's get to you bed now since you seem to be falling asleep on their couch."

  I placed a hand on Paul's sholder to wake him up. He must have been more awake than I thought because he shot up as soon as I made contact with him. Slowly, he pulled himslef up himslef up and started to make his way over to the door.

  He was going so slow across the room. Just empithizing how tired he really was. Since we were young I've known that paul had sleeping problems. Waking up loads in the night and stuff. Perhaps today he would be able to sleep though all of that.
  Sometimes when I slept with him I liked to stay up to make sure he slept well for at least a few hours. Ever since I woke up while he was mid nightmare when we were around 16 and 18. Tonight seemed like it was going to be one of those nights seeing as I didn't seem at all as tired as Paul was.

   Paul kept in front of me the whole time. Only once turning back to smile at me when we got to our door. I unlocked it and we stepped in. I was defiantly small. But nothing we couldn't do. We've slept in the same single bed 100s of times growing up so this double bed wouldn't be a problem.

  "You have to get changed first macca!"

  I laughed, seeing Paul just flop down on the bed as soon as I could flick the light on. He made no stir or showed any acknowledgment at my line. I'll just leave hi. At least I was getting ready for bed.
  Our suit cases had been brought up to the room before hand which I was great full for. I shuffled over to the Corner where the cases had been chucked, pulling off my jacket and unbuttoning my shirt as I did so.
  I unzipped the suitcase and pulled out a random shirt to wear to bed. I only slept in them and boxers.
  Soft snores could be heard from the bed as I got changed quickly. How Somone could fall asleep while diagonal on a bed wearing a beatles suit and boots I didn't know.

  He was probably uncomfortable.

  Sure the boy was tired but I doubt he'd sleep well in that at all. Maybe I should just take his blazer and shoes off at least. Give him a bit of room. I know he'd do the same for me.

  "Paul? Paul luv?"

   Trying not to make the sleeping beatle jump. I slowly began to shift his jacket down his sholders and arms. Surprisingly managing to pull it down without much difficulty as the boy was so deep in sleep. I did the same for his shoes and then began to unbutton the first few buttons of his shirt.  These fucking shirts where so tight I felt fucking strangled singing on stage never mind whole tossing and turning in a bed.

  "Mphf johnny."

  Paul mumbled. One hand going up your rub his eyes before returning to his side. He eyes never opeing. A smile of endearment crept onto my face. He was just so cute sometimes. Saying my name still while half asleep.

  "Ok Paulie. You're going to have to scoot up to your pillow ok? Need to get you under the blankets."

  My words came out strangly loving me. Sort of in the tone cynthia would talk to Julian in when she was trying to get him to do somthing. I never used it myslef really.

Ugh I was tired.

  Paul seemed to understand as he shuffled up on the bed sluggishly. Peeling back the blankets and snuggling into them all by himself before closing his eyes and seemingly going back to the same state he was in  minutes ago. Sleep.

  I went round to my side of the bed and slipped in aswell. Taking Paul's sleeping state as an excuse to cuddle him. I always slept better when I was cuddling someone. Paul never seemed to mind up until late. He snuggled back into my instinctively as I wrapped my arms around him.
  He was...bony.  one hand slipped up from his waist to his chest while the other went to his hip. His bones where so...prominent.  I could trace every little one with my finger. Could I do that before? I don't know, I've never actually tired to. I don't think so though. That was strange...


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paper crown (been rewritten better under the name "Wonderwall - mclennon")Where stories live. Discover now