''Isn't this the Men's bathroom?''

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A/N So, it's been like a year. But I've been really busy. Honest. This is my apology chapter, enjoy!

After we finally got out of the dragon's lair, we all went for lunch. Again, I was on edge. Ryan could be hiding anywhere, with a handy bucket of water...

I cautiously look around, waiting for him to jump out. ''Why are you so jumpy today?'' Lily asks. ''Because Ryan hasn't made a move, which means it must be some biiiiig prank.'' I answer whilst still scanning the area. ''He's still not over that? We've been off for the whole summer!'' Alison says astounded. ''Yeah well, we all know what Ryan's like. People never want to come back here after being pranked by him.'' And it was true. Every person he'd pranked had either quit school or were now hanging out with what we like to call the ''Super nerds'' as you never seen them outside of school or class. He got a socialite last year by releasing a load of very.. interesting pictures of her online. We never heard from her again. Now you see why I was acting like a CIA agent. I turned and there he was running towards me

''RUN!'' I heard Alison shout. I didn't have to be told twice. I sprinted up the stairs to the IT suite, and dipped into the toilet. 

'Anderson you can't hide forever! I heard Ryan shout. 'I know your in there!' By this point my heart is pounding. I have absolutely no idea what he has in store for me. Shitting myself is an a bit of an understatement. The school's toilets are weird. They are connecting, boys on one side and girls on the other. But right now I'm not complaining. I have a plan that could go totally wrong if I get caught. I begin to sneak around to the boys side of the toilet, and I peer around the wall. I can see Ryan, and omg he's actually debating whether to go in after me! I stifled a laugh whilst I planned my escape route from the boys toilets. With my back against one of the cubicle doors I prepare to run when suddenly I'm falling backwards...Straight into the arms of some guy inside the cubicle! Great. Because this couldn't get anymore embarrassing. ''Woah, are you okay?'' He says whilst I lay there awkwardly in his arms.  Attempting to gain back some of my diginty, I stood up and dusted myself off. 

''I'm reallly so-'' I look up. Oh. My. God. Standing with a puzzled look on his face is an absolute God. I'm guessing this is the new guy that Sapphire was talking about. Snapback placed firmly on his head, he stares at my with hazel eyes. Woah. Where have you been all my life? I think dazedly. tanned skin, chiseled jaw, really nice dress sense... Then I realized I was staring. 

''Isn't this the Men's bathroom?'' The God says, confused. If I could blush, I would have been. ''I'm um, I-'' The I swivel in panic. Ryan. Scanning the area, he seemed to have gone... This made me more paranoid. Ryan never gives up. '' Are you okay?'' Oh no. The God is giving me a concerned look. 

''I'm fine honestly, someone was chasing me.'' I try to explain. 

''And you ran into the Men's toilets? He raised his eyebrow. 'Wouldn't be my first choice if I was you, just in case I fell into someone's arms.'' He was laughing at me. Great, someone else to think I'm strange.

''I'm glad I amuse you!'' I said, trying to hide my smile. He looked at me and laughed again. 

''I'm Caleb.'' He extends his hand. Who still shakes hands?! Well, clearly Caleb does. We shake.

''Savannah.'' He grins at me, and his eyes just sparkle.Wow, he has such an amazing smile.  I stare down at his hand in mine. I have a feeling me and Caleb are going to be really good friends. 

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