It Was Just A Normal Day.

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A/N. Um heyyyyyyy! This is my first writing experience, so please don't judge, and take a quick read! Please comment on how you think this first chapter was, I'm not quite sure how I feel about it yet.... Thankyou beautifuls! :*

22/08.. Made a few alterations but nothing major! 

Life. A beautiful thing right? Babies are born, they grow, learn how to talk and walk. Families molly coddle them and spoil them.... Okay, let's cut out the Disney crap. I'm skipping to High School. This is about me, Savannah, and my crazy high school experience.


Groaning, I rolled over to switch my alarm off. Five more minutes won't hurt- No! I remembered It's my first day of Year 11. I sighed and rolled over anyway. Going to bed at three in the morning might not have been the best idea.

'Wakey wakey!' My mom cheerfully called as she turned my light on. I felt like clawing her eyes out as the light hit my eyes.  Instead I just sent her a hateful glare. I narrowed my eyes as she just smiled sweetly and turned my light off. Hmmm. That was weird. Not over thinking it, I rolled back over for ten more minutes. As the light turned back on, I sighed before I felt freezing cold water wash over my body.

Oh. My. God.

'MOM!' I said jumping out of my bed.

'Hmm, I thought that would wake up.' She said smugly as she walked out. Parents. I shivered as I ran along the hall to have a warm shower.

After eventually getting out the shower, I quickly got dressed and attacked my hair with a brush. God I looked awful. I looked like a crackhead, with deep dark circles under my eyes. My lips liked like dried fruit, all the life just sucked out. Yeah, don't feel like going to school looking like a dead person. After applying makeup, I looked at myself in the mirror. Not bad, even if I do say so myself! Anything was better then when I looked like a Michael Jackson lookalike anyway..

Looking up, I grinned at my massive Harry Styles poster on the wall. I was a major  Directioner. I just fell in love with after they went on X Factor!  I grabbed my bag, threw a few things in it, and ran downstairs. My mom was running around like a headless chicken trying to find lunchboxes, reading bags, a shoe... Erm, yeah, I think I'll escape before it gets any worse... 'Cya Mom' I say, preparing for a speedy getaway, not quite succeeding when I hear her say,

'Er, where do you think your going? You haven't had breakfast. You won't starve yourself in this house!' She sternly tells me. I roll my eyes when her backs turned. Sweet baby Jesus. So I end up on the couch eating a bowl of cereal. I finish, call my goodbyes and run through the door. Time to go and meet Saff.

As I make it down to the bus stop, I turn to see Saff coming towards me.

'Heyyyyyy!' We say in unison. I grin. Sophia aka Sapphire (She has an obsession) has been my best friend ever we were in year seven. With brown hair and blue eyes, she was tall and busty.

'You alright babe? How was summer?' She asks.

Alright I suppose, you?' I ask, knowing she's about to tell me about some new guy. She really nice though, just looking for a bit of love. Aren't we all.

'Well' she starts, 'I've started talking to this boy called Alex....' And I switch off. I notice her brown hair looks longer. Well I suppose it would, I haven't seen her all summer. . I notice the bright blue backpack on her back. She had a thing for blue. At that moment, I notice the bus coming round the corner. 'Bus' I say, cutting her off.

We get on the bus and talk about what we did in the summer ( me nothing, but Saff went to Jamaica for a few weeks). We get off the bus and go to the Cafe. This is the moment I've been waiting for. I order my usual, and grin as I get my order. I take out my piece of toast and chocolate spread and take a bite. Sweet baby Jesus. I make a strange noise as I swallow. Saff looks at me with amusement in her eyes. Then she just burst out laughing, causing a few people to stare at her weirdly. Ducking with embarrassment, I take a seat at our usual table and continue eating. After controlling herself, she looks at me. 'Oh my gosh, that was hilarious. You sounded like you were having an orgasm!' She said chuckling to her self. I glared at her. 'Not another word.' I warned. Then we set out, making our way to the hell hole, or in other words; School.

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