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How is Kayla here? Why is she screaming?

(It's Kayla screaming not the child's mother)

"What have you done, Daniel? How could you?"

I've run away, following my own trail automatically, grabbing my clothes from where they are piled carelessly on the ground, still running, that familiar voice in my head, screaming at me, "How could you? How could you?" Kayla isn't here. Just her voice in my head.

I keep going until I get to the car. I brace myself with a hand on the rusted frame. It's not right, none of it. I threw up when I saw what I had done to that old couple in the farmhouse. Yet now I cannot even summon tears. I am blank.

little legs with the flesh gnawed off

little fingers bent and broken

blond hair on a little skull, held back with a purple barrette

I'm a monster.

My clothes make no sense as I try to put them on. It's like I exploded out of them when the Other Me took over. I stare at the ruins of fabric and make this my mission: to put myself back together again.

little body in pieces that will never fit back together again

Hitchhikers (Wolf Point #1)Where stories live. Discover now