Start from the beginning

"McCall! You're not supposed to—" Coach started, then stopped himself once he saw Danny with his arms around Scott. "What the hell are you do—" The microphone squeaked from the stage and the whole gymnasium had their eyes on Coach, giving him the stink eye for getting in the way of Scott and Danny's dance. Coach looked around sheepishly before being reminded that everyone probably thought that he was being a homophobe and trying to stop Scott and Danny from being together. Scott squinted as the spotlight was put on the two and continued with his hands around Danny's neck.

"Yes...Coach?" Scott asked among the silence.

Finstock stuttered before laughing and attempting to pardon himself, saying that Scott wasn't supposed to be at the dance, not that he and Danny shouldn't dance. He laughed again before yelling at everyone to keep dancing and the music started up again.

"Was that Scott?" Isaac asked, laughing to himself.

"Yep, that's my brother." Violet smiled.


A half hour passed and Violet couldn't find anyone. Scott, Stiles, Lydia, or Allison weren't anywhere to be seen. Not even Jackson was nearby. Probably off somewhere passing around a bottle of alcohol with his friends.

Violet looked around frequently and Isaac noticed, "Is everything okay?" He asked, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, um, can you excuse me for a sec, I need to find Scott." But she lied, she was actually on a mission to find Stiles instead.

Going outside and walking around the perimeter of the school until reaching the field, Violet saw someone standing in the field, it seemed to resemble what Stiles was wearing. "Stiles!" She called. No response. Violet approached until she heard someone say something.

"You're Scott's little sister, right?" A light voice came from behind her.

"Lydia?" Violet said, turning around. She was closer to the Stiles-resembling person than she was to Lydia when the girl spoke. "Lydia what are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for Jackson." She said in a semi-dazed voice.

"Have you seen Stiles?" I can't find him anywhere." Violet said, turning to face the person she thought might have been the boy she was looking for, but turned out to be dead wrong.

The man now faced Violet and smiled his fangs now visible. Violet stared on in horror, "your time has come." He said menacingly while approaching her.

"Violet!" A voice screamed from behind her as footsteps pounded against the pavement. "RUNNNN!" Turning back, Violet saw Stiles, tears beginning to stream down his face as he quickly ran to her.

"Stiles?" Violet said. Her heart beat at a thousand miles a minute when she looked back at Peter and noticed his mouth wide open, preparing to bite her as his crimson red eyes flashed before her. She was stuck in place, too paralyzed by fear to move. She heard the heavy breathing of her best friend behind her as she breathed equally as heavy although she hadn't moved an inch in the past five minutes. Fear had taken control and it wasn't letting go.

"Violet!" Stiles exclaimed "Move!" He persisted, but she stayed in place until her vision blurred and she landed onto the ground with a thud.

That was followed by another thud and things got quiet.


pls don't kill me.


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meme of the day:

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