Start from the beginning

"She took a little something to ease her nerves, you can go in." her mother said.

"What are you guys doing here?" Lydia asked before taking a look over at Violet, "you have some good style for a freshman."

"Uh, thanks." Violet thanked Lydia, habitually smoothing down her outfit as she did so.

"I—We were just making sure you were okay." Stiles came in.

"Why?" Lydia asked, looking at her fingers as if she were a small child discovering them for the first time ever and patted her bed for Stiles to sit down.

He's so in love. Violet thought to herself, rolling her eyes.

"Because I—"

"WE." Violet cut in.

"We were worried about you today."

"How you feeling, Lydia?" the younger McCall asked.

"I" Lydia answered, coming up lose and personal with Stiles' face, which he was obviously enjoying.

He chuckled as he smiled at the strawberry blonde before forming his lips into an 'O' shape when he saw the pill bottles on her nightstand.

"I bet you can't say 'I saw Suzy sitting in a shoeshine shop' ten times fast." Stiles asked when he read the pill bottle.

"No wonder she's so out of it, she's higher than the damn Empire State building!" Violet said when Stiles handed her the pill bottle.

"I saw Shuzy...I shaw.." Lydia trailed off. "I saw..."

"What? Lydia what did you see?" Stiles asked in a panicked tone. He'd known something was off about the situation at the video store. "Something like..." he trailed off, "like a mountain lion?"

"A mountain lion." said Lydia absentmindedly.

"Are you sure you saw a mountain lion, or are you just saying that because that's what the police told you?" Violet added from behind Stiles.

"A mountain lion." the dazed girl answered in reassurance.

That was when Stiles came up with an idea. Seeing the giraffe plushie on her nightstand, he picked it up and showed it to Lydia, "what is this?"

"A mountain lion." Lydia repeated.

"Oh, kay." Stiles sighed, plopping the toy back to its place and taking a breath, "you're so drunk." he said almost lovingly to Lydia, which made Violet cringe, and Lydia did the most unimaginable thing, she just dozed off onto Stiles' leg. "Oh, my--" he gasped audibly.

"Seriously? If she was half sane she wouldn't even dream of doing that. Not on those Walmart jeans." The younger McCall remarked at her best friend.

"Excuse me, these are JC Penney. Alright, let's go." he replied, taking Lydia and laying her onto her pillow.

As soon as Lydia woke up, Violet piped up, "alright, well, we should...go. Let you get back to your whole PTSD thing. C'mon, Stiles." she said, ushering the lovestruck boy out the door.

"mmmh, stay." Lydia sighed, to which Stiles jumped at the opportunity, and Violet simply rolled her eyes.

"Wha--Stiles!" Violet exclaimed when Stiles basically hopped right back inside.

"She said stay!" he defended himself. "You don't just leave when someone tells you to stay." closing the door behind him when Lydia began tapping on the bed for him to sit right next to her.

"What kind of pre-porno bull is this?" Violet muttered as Stiles sat himself back onto her bed.

"Stay," Lydia whispered as she lightly caressed his face with her hands, "please...Jackson."

Violet broke her silence after that, basically howling with laughter after Lydia said Jackson's name instead of his. It was like something straight out of Friends.

"Shut up." Stiles said sternly as he stood up to quickly leave Lydia's bedroom while Violet was still laughing at Lydia's words.

Then Lydia's phone chimed and the pair silenced themselves. What were they to do? "Do you want me to get that?" Stiles asked Lydia, who was now asleep on her bed once more, "I don't..." he trailed off as he clicked something and a video popped up on the screen. "Vi, come look at this." he called over.

There was a figure on the screen, one the pair couldn't quite decipher. The background looked like the video store that Lydia and Jackson were at the previous night. Two red dots appeared and moved quickly across the small screen of Lydia's phone and the video paused. The two red dots turned out to be eyes and the creature looked nothing like a mountain lion.

"We need to go." Violet said quickly, "NOW." she emphasized, tugging on Stiles' wrist as she pried him away from the new situation they would have to deal with.


Stiles and Violet had been calling and texting Scott a numerous amount of times, only to be slapped in the face by his voicemail message the had been getting more annoying with every call that didn't get answered. It was almost as if Violet's brother had fallen off the face of the earth or something.

"Hey, it's me again. Look, Vi and I found something and we don't know what to do, okay? So if you could turn your phone on right now, that'd be great, or else, I'll kill you! Do you understand me, I'm gonna kill you! And I'm too upset to come up with a witty description of how I'm gonna kill you, but I'm just gonna do it, okay? UGH!" Stiles yelled into his phone before hanging up and tossing his phone on his bed.

With a huff and a puff, Stiles plopped himself down onto his computer chair in frustration. Violet hadn't said a word since she told Stiles to try calling her idiot brother again.

There was a knock on the door, and both teenagers' heads shot up at the speed of light, but were saddened to see it was only the sheriff.

"Please tell me I'm gonna hear good news at this parent/teacher thing tonight." the sheriff asked his son with caution.

"Depends on how you define good news." Stiles grimaced while messing with something that lay on his desk.

"I define it as you getting straight A's with no behavioral issues."

"Might wanna rethink that definition."

"Enough said. I'm sure Vi fits my definition. Can I adopt you instead? Have your mother take Stiles?"

"She can't even handle him for 10 minutes, much less living at our house, sheriff." Violet chuckled.

"Well, I tried. I'll see you kids later." the sheriff said before walking out.

Stiles sighed once his dad was gone, "what are we gonna do about that video?"

"And where the hell is my brother?" Violet asked.


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