“AH! SORA! STOP, STOP! PLEASE, I CAN’T BREATHE!”, Lucy laughed as I tickled her with all my might. I stopped, and she looked at me with a sour face, but I could tell she wasn’t angry at me.

“What was it that you said about me being a gentleman?”, I raised my eyebrow, questioning.

“You are definitely NOT a gentleman.”, She shook her head, smiling.

“So then, Miss Lucy, what is your ideal gentleman?”, I pried, adjusting her position on my lap so that she was cradled in my arms.

“Someone who is kind, caring, nurturing, loving, sweet, funny, so pretty much you with less prankster.”, She winked, blushing a tiny bit.

“I can be less of a prankster, if I try.”, I whispered playfully into her ear, triggering another blush.

“You’re as bad as Akio.”, She muttered. Man, I’m not that bad! Akio’s the pervert, I’m the prankster.



“Is everything alright?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”, She frowned.

“As in, me and Akio. It isn’t awkward for you guys with us being here?”

“Nope.”, She smile, popping her lips on the p.

“Well good because this is either going to make you either kill me or run for the hills.”

“Wha-”, I stopped Lucy’s sentence with a passion-filled kiss. I expected her to push me off. I didn’t expect her to wind her fingers in my hair, and pull me closer, kissing me with as much passion as I was to her. 

When oxygen became necessary and we pulled away, Lucy looked up at me, hurt,”Enough already?” Wait, WHAT!?  *Author’s Note: O.O*

“Are you drunk?”, I asked, actually worried she was.

“Definitely not. My mind is clear, and I know what I want to do, and who with.”, She whispered into my ear, her voice was so alluring, it was hard not to get drawn in.

“It’s always the quiet ones.”, I chuckled as Lucy pulled me to the ground.

“I don’t want to be quiet anymore.”


Natsu’s P.O.V.

I watched as Gray walked back to the group, wide eyed, and collapsed, muttering under his breath.

“Gray-sama, are you ok?”, Juvia immediately jumped up and ran to his side, worried.

“Natsu, how do you feel of Lucy and Igneel, um *cough* ah”, Gray’s voice faded off.

“Are you sure you’re not a pervert, Gray?”, Kiyoki asked from my lap, eyes wide.

“I guess you know what I mean?”, Gray asked, she nodded. “And, no I’m no pervert.”

“What happened, Gray?”, Gajeel asked, leaning on a tree.

“Yeah, spill.”, Yasu prompted.

“Get Happy, Carla and Wendy out of here first.”, He pointed in the opposite direction he came. “Go.”

Levy paled, I still don’t know what he meant,”No. Frigging. Way.”, The tiny mage whispered.

“What, Shrimp? Tell me?”, Gajeel leaned in, and paled as Levy told him. “Did NOT want to know.”

“Dammit tell me!”, I yelled, facepalming myself.”It’s a pain not knowing, you know?”

“Promise you won’t go nuts?”

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick Gray in my eye.”, I smirked.

“WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN!?”, Gray yelled as Kiyoki sat up and whispered into my ear what he meant. Oh. My. God. No. Bleeping. Way.

“I will be scarred for life.”, Ren muttered.

“Thanks Gray for ruining my innocence.”, Akio complained.

“Since when have you been innocent?”, Saphira asked.”And I expected it. She was so protective of him, it’s obvious she likes him.”

“Yeah, but they’ve known each other all of TWO days!”, Eve pointed out to the fox, who huffed and went back to sleep. Just as she did, Lucy and Sora walked in, hand in hand. We all stared at them, eyes wide.

“What?”, Lucy asked, clueless.

“Guys, don’t stare, it’s rude.”, Sora frowned.

“Yeah, guys, if the wanna have a make-out session in the middle of the forest, let them.”, Apollo smirked, hinting the pair that we knew.

“You know?”, Sora paled.

“Yeah, thanks for scarring us for life, Sora.”, Mizuhime frowned back. Sora growled at her, but when Lucy put his hand on his shoulder, he calmed down. I have NO idea what happened there.


Yeah, so there we have it, another couple, yay! 

Lucy: I would NEVER do that at all! Thanks for that!

Me: Hey, you were comforting him, and your closeness with Natsu drew you two close.

Sora: *winking* See, Lucy?

Lucy: PERVERT! *Whacks Sora*

Sora: OW! Hey, I’m no pervert, look at Apollo.

Lucy: *reads Apollo’s words* O.O PERVERT! *Whacks Apollo*

Happy: She liiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes him!

Me: *facepalm* Is that all you say?


Everyone else: O_O

Erza: She’s scary

Everyone else: O.O Erza’s scared?

Erza: I AM NOT! *Whacks us all*

Everyone: AH SHIT!

Me: I don't think we'll save the spirits

Leo: Hey, guys what's up?


Leo: Yeah, um, BYE! *dissappears*

Me: He's up to something *finds love letter and reads it* HE'S BLOODY MARRIED AND HE'S FLIRTING WITH ME!

Akio: *pervs on Levy* Old habits die hard *smirks*

Me: O.O I don't think I will survive to update...

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