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HEY! Bet your still shaking from last time! XD This was 13 pages on Pages, sorry that it’s so long... I had time to kill :D


Kiyoki's P.O.V.

"I missed you so much!", I whispered, my voice hoarse from crying. I was wrapped tight in Ren's arms, savoring his familiar scent.

"I know, I know.", He pulled me closer and I snuggled into his chest. I quickly pulled out of his arms and slapped his cheek.

"What the hell did you leave me for!?", I yelled, glaring at him."I was a wreck for WEEKS and I couldn't trust ANYONE! You left me there, why?", I crossed my arms, looking at him accusingly. "And why the hell were you such a damn playboy?"

Ren rubbed his jaw,"You know how each dragon has a side power, like yours is celestial spirits and Hibiki's is Archive, well, mine is predicting the future, fortune telling, visions, all that crap. 25 years ago, I had a vision of all the dragons on the migration with the slayers. We hit a storm and all died, our magic was too weak to hold it off. I didn't want that to happen."He looked at all of us,"So I lied to you, tried to keep you safe by keeping you at the nesting grounds. I'm sorry I lied to you, but I was half-right. We did hit the storm, but obviously didn't die, we just lost all memories of our dragon lives."

"Lost all memories?", Akio, muttered, looking at Yasu and Sora, who pulled him away to talk to him.

"You don't say.", Eve smiled,"So I've been working with a dragon all this time?"

"Yup.", I nodded, gaining my voice back. I sat up and was immediately pulled into Natsu's chest.

"I missed you.", He explained, kissing my cheek.

“And I have NO IDEA why I was such a damn playboy, maybe my subconscious needed someone to call theirs.", Ren winked,"Maybe it needed a girl in their life."

"So, 2 dragons down, 4 to go.", Erza ticked us off using her fingers.

"What are you doing out here, anyway? You didn't tell us why.", Ren stared at me accusingly, eyebrows raised.

"The spirits are in trouble, and we need the 6 to set them free. We don't have much time, once the moon leaves Aries' time..." I closed my eyes and forced back tears,"Once the moon leaves her time we have no chance, you know why."

Ren nodded,"Aries was your ward."

"Ward?", Carla floated towards us, and Happy blushed, the colour turning his blue cheeks purple. Stupid cat.

"Like Wendy, or Natsu with Igneel. Each spirit is connected to a dragon. Igneel chose Leo, I chose Aries, Metallicana chose Taurus, Ren chose Scorpio, Aquamarina chose Aquarius, so on so forth. Gallah didn't choose a spirit though.", I told the Exceed.

"Because he's the spirit dragon!", Happy yelled, eyes bright. No shit, Sherlock.

"Hey, guys, do you know where the other dragons are?", Yasu called out from the forest.

"No idea.", Gray called back."Why, do you have one?"

"Um, sort of."

"What do you mean, sort of?", Juvia asked, walking towards the wood.

"Just stay out of the forest, and we'll come back, so hang on.", Juvia immediately turned back and walked back to Gray's side.

"Wonder what they're doing.", Carla muttered.

"Knowing that two of them are like Natsu and Gajeel, probably something explosive.", Juvia said, smug. Gray laughed, kissing the Water Mage. And, funnily enough, something exploded. "They actually blew something up!?"

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