~Chapter One~ (part 4)

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(well actually I did edit it...this morning when I was 40% awake) 

I literally just had no idea what to do with this chapter, I kept writing a few sentences and then backspacing them because it was stupid.

I think my finished thing is passable, though. And...if there's any typos, just tell me, instead of starting this huge annoying comment chain of people yelling out numbers.

(you know who you are)

Anyway I'll shut up and let you read now


Axel hit the ground with bone-rattling force, landing on his side with a solid crunch. He cried out in pain, rolling over in the aftershock of the landing.

The hulking, gigantic, blue beast, with the one eye...

It had to have hit him hard for him to be hurting that much. Axel groaned loudly, pushing himself upright into a sitting position. The agony came in waves- he would be numb for a few seconds, and then the mind-shattering pain would be back.

A sick, pointed grin, dripping with my own blood...

He closed his eyes, trying to catch his breath. Exhaustion was threatening to take his senses, but he wouldn't let it. Not yet. He sat still and quiet, waiting for the pain to subside so he could pinpoint exactly where the worst of the hurt was coming from.

It eventually did, fading to a still-very-persistent ache. Axel experimentally unbent his right arm, rolling his shoulder. It hurt, but not terribly.

He did the same with his left arm, and felt like he had been physically hit with pure undiluted agony. A pained scream ripped itself free of his throat, echoing into the night. He nearly collapsed, blinded by scorching pain. As a longtime griefer and now the King of Boomtown, Axel had had his share of pain. This, however, was a new level of torture.

He wasn't sure if his left arm had been burned, frozen, or pulled apart, because it felt like all three were possible. He sat up again, using a nearby tree for support.

Axel froze. He stared at the dark oak tree he was leaning against as something clicked in his mind.

The valley was shallow and barren, save for the grass and a few flowers underfoot. A grove of trees lay ahead, but plains surrounded them where they had stood when the ground erupted with monsters unnamable.

There had been no trees where they were attacked.

The purple hooded figure, blasting the blue beast away with a green flash. Staring down at him with hollow, empty eyes. Not human, but not quite a full monster.

It hadn't come for him first. It had gone for Lukas, then Petra, then Olivia, then finally Axel. A blast of green accompanied each of their disappearances, like the one that Axel was sure was about to come.

Then the icy creature was back, slamming into him with its ghastly maw open far too wide to be natural. He had been forcefully knocked to the side...and then the green flash came.

He gasped shallowly, nightmare images flashing vividly behind his eyes. When the creatures had burst from the ground, there had been no time to think. He didn't know what, exactly, that green flash had done, but it had apparently taken him pretty far from where he had been.

Axel cursed and squinted into the darkness, trying to make out any of his surroundings. No luck- the forest was pitch black. But could that be...was that a light, glimmering through the thick leaves?

MCSM: Forgotten Demons (sequel to A World Unwound) [HIATUS]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें