~Chapter One~ (part 3)

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holy hell 1K reads already

wtf you guys

the story hasn't even officially started yet??? Like there's not really big stuff happening, everything so far has just been leading into it???

Also happy halloween


Fire. Swirling smoke. Those burning red eyes. It looked like a nightmare come to life.

But what was it? Where had it come from? Straight out of the ground, if I remember correctly. But do I?

What attacked me?

I know I saw it clearly...so why can't I remember what it is? It was like a Blaze or something, but also...not. It was bigger than a Blaze. Scarier. But what was it? What was it?

Where am I? Why can't I remember any of this? What HAPPENED?

I wasn't alone. Where are my friends? Or maybe they weren't there at all. But how did I survive this, whatever 'this' is?

Consciousness came slowly for Olivia, fading in and out many times before she was able to get a grip on her senses. When she finally came to, the first thing she realized was that she was in a dungeon.

No, not one of those mob-spawning cave things. An actual dungeon, inside a dimly-lit cell.

She groaned, struggling to keep her eyes open. It felt like her skin was on fire.

Where was she? What had happened, and WHY DID EVERYTHING HURT?

Olivia sat up, trying to ignore the fiery pain. Her brown skin had turned nearly red, marred by blisters, bruises, and burns. She gasped deeply, but it became a cough. Each exhalation made her throat burn.

She looked around. The prison cell was one of many, the columns of iron bars continuing on along the hallway. Muffled voices came from around her, quiet conversations of her fellow prisoners.

Looking around at her cell, she noticed strange words on the back wall. She shuffled closer to them, trying to read the scribbled messages.

Welcome to the Husks' prison. You're gonna be here awhile.

Don't trust the cat!

If you're reading this, I've escaped. Or the Husks have killed me.

Seth was here! Now it's your turn to rot in this stupid dungeon.

This is what I get for betraying the Husks. I deserve to be here; don't make the same mistake.

The cat is your only way out.

Orinn will take over the world one day, mark my words.

The messages continued as such, each of them harboring little information.

Olivia turned away. Useless graffiti from former prisoners. But one phrase seemed to come up more often: the Husks. What did that mean?

Husks were mobs, like desert zombies. Why would they have a prison? Or maybe it was a code name. Either way, it didn't make a ton of sense.

She rubbed her forehead, trying to ward off an oncoming headache. Jesse was the puzzle-solver, not her. Where was the rest of the Order? What possibly could've happened?

Her skin ached every time she moved. Something had obviously burned her badly. But what? Why couldn't she remember what happened? Were these 'Husks' involved somehow?

MCSM: Forgotten Demons (sequel to A World Unwound) [HIATUS]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن