My Brother From Another Mother

Start from the beginning

"Oh um, you too Ed. So Augustus is Ed your best friend?"

"Edgar and I work often together if that is what you mean," Augustus smiled.

"They are often caught conspiring and making trouble together. They are joined by the hip!" Fredrick laughed.

I looked at the stern faced boy and my smiling brother. For them to be best friends, let alone friends, I couldn't see it. "I disagree with that statement. We are both independent but occasionally help each other." Edgar said stiffly.

"Oh sure you do. So what will we be doing?" I asked them.

"We will be taking a walk around the grounds. Did you know this school was founded in 1572 under a charter by Queen Elizabeth I?" Fredrick asked smugly.

"I can't say I did," I replied stiffly.

"That does not surprise me, few women know such important things." He smiled sweetly.

My cheeks flushed with anger, "Yes because knowing such trivial information is so important," I smiled smugly, "It is not even the best school in my opinion." He went red, as I thought he would.

He stumbled on his words, "Oh, well in your opinion what is the best school." He regained his smugness,"Not that you would be able to tell from first hand experience, but amuse me."

I wanted to show him down. To launch into a whole debate about how several other schools were better than his for reasons a, b and c. But I had one problem. I had no knowledge of any schools in the area. Or all of England. Except Hogwarts but I don't think that would be an impressive argument. "Well, uh, Oxford is one of the best schools in the world."

Edgar rolled his eyes and Fredrick laughed. "Silly girl, Oxford is a university. What about academies? What is your opinion of those."

"I am aware that it is a university. I just believe that academies are significantly less important than universities. The truly talented and extraordinary do not need academies to succeed in university and life." I said smugly. Taking a blow to his ego might make him back down. From my experience these pompous pretentious boys have egos as fragile as egg shells.

He stopped for a fraction of a second before opening that irritating mouth again, "Well for the sake of the argument, let us dismiss universities. What academy do you believe to be better than here?"

"Well,uh, personally I believe Hogwarts is best." I tried to say confidently.

"Hogwarts you say? Can't say I've heard of it." Fredrick said skeptically.

"I have studied the most prestigious academies before coming to this one and I can not say I have heard of 'Hogwarts.'" Edgar said accusingly.

"Well, uh, I-"

"I have heard of it. For a while father wished to send me there!" Augustus said quickly. I smile at him appreciatively, he hasn't heard of it. It's made up! And plus there is no way he could get into Hogwarts.

"Yes that is how I heard of it. It is located in Scotland-" to this there was a resounding groan from Edgar and Fredrick,"It was commissioned by the king-"

"Which king?" Edgar raised his eyebrow.

"King... Henry... the eighth? Yes it was him I am sure." I said, trying to sound confident.

"Oh really now? What are some of the best parts of this Hogwarts?" Edgar said, he too getting into the conversation.

"Well it... it leads in the sport Quidditch and-"

"Sorry what is Quidditch?" Fredrick asked condescendingly.

"Oh you haven't heard of Quidditch. Hmmm, I suppose you are unfit to participate in this game. Usually the king comes to the events." Both Edgar and Fredrick's faces went red when I said this. "Anyway it is also leading in studies such as math, science and history. Only the elite are let in."

"Oh really. Then I wonder why no one here has heard of it." Edgar said coldly.

"We should probably start the tour..." Augustus said quietly trying to change the conversation.

"Well no one here is obviously good enough to be invited," I said smugly. Both of them glowered. "Well shall we start the tour?"

"I am afraid I will not be able to accompany you. I have an important letter I must write, now." Fredrick said before sulking away. I have a feeling in several days Fredrick's father will receive a very angry letter. Because obviously he was good enough to go to this amazing totally real school. Unfortunately Edgar was not discouraged enough to leave. Great let's see how much of this tour I can take.

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