PikaShipping (PikachuxAsh)

449 25 87

Requested by: LapisLazulli2


The concept of best friends should date should not apply to these two. 

HELL NO! Who the hell made this ship?!?!? Honestly! I know we try to ship Ash with everyone. Ash x A tree, Ash x His hat ( One of those two are made up). But what the hell?!?! No!


Pros: They're the best of friends

Cons: - I know they're both male but: freakin Poke-Human baby

- And the most important Con of all. We all ship Pikachu x Ketchup. XD

I rate this: 1/10

Honestly, this ship......it's just......no..

But the picture above is undeniably adorable ^^





~ Pupsey

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