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You were back in the workshop. You sat up from hearing a distant voice.
"Hello? Who said that....?" There was silence. You stood up and glanced around the room, it was dark except where you stood, which was lighted by a single bulb above you. You gasped and almost fell down when your heard faint music playing in the distance. It was something that Sammy had written for an episode, but it never was added because Joey said it was 'too scary'. To you, it was very calming, but now, it was terrifying. You sat back down, but came back up when you felt something cold and sticky under you. Looking down, it was ink. You jumped up, but slipped and fell on your back and hit your head on the floor. You groaned as your head throbbed with pain. You looked up and saw a dark figure above you. Your eyes widened with fear and you gasped as you were picked up by the collar of your shirt. You struggled and tried to get away. "Let-let me go! Let me go!" A large white smile spread across the figure's face and ink began dripping from the ceiling and filled the room. The ink rised in the one light you had, making you panic. You frantically struggled and began hitting the dark figure holding you up. "Let go! Let go! Please! Please I can't die! I can't die here!" The ink was now up to your waist and still rising. You began to sob and kick the figure. The figure finally spoke, just as the ink was up to your neck and rising up your face, preventing you from breathing.
"I'm waiting."
You screamed and quickly sat up, you screamed again when you saw Kat sitting on your couch. She looked unfazed and quite bored.
"Kat!? What are you doing here!?" She looked to you and away from the book she was reading.
"Hm? Oh, I've been here. You were gone for two days, so I decieded to stay over until you got back." You sighed.
"Some crazy dream you were having... have a nightmare?"
"Uh... yeah...."
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Not really....."
"So it was about some.. inky guy?"
"Wh-what! I didn't even tell you what the dream was about!"
"Yeah, but you were talking about it in your sleep. Something about ink and some guy and just a bunch of crying..... mostly crying though."
"...oh.... I would appreciate it if you wouldn't eavesdrop on my nightmares....."
"I mean, it's hard to ignore someone sobbing, 'Oh let me go! Aaaaahhhh iiinnkkkkk'" She was clearly making fun of you. You frowned.
"Shut up Kat......." Kat chuckled.
"Also, get out of my house..... you.... nevermind......" You sighed. Kat looked to you and put down her book.
"You okay..? You seem a lot more depressed than usual."
"Work problems....." Kat patted your head and pulled you up from the couch and gave you a hug.
"Your work place sucks. You should leave that shit hole." You leaned your head on Kat's shoulder and sighed again.
"I can't......"
"Why the hell not?"
"I.... I just can't, Kat.... Joey won't let me......."
"Hm.... You should get some rest. Come on.... go take a shower and I'll get that ink out of your clothes." You nodded and got up, Kat lead you to your bathroom and you stepped inside to take your dirty clothes off. Kat brought in some of your pajamas and set them on the floor, covering her eyes to give you some privacy. You chuckled and handed her your ink stained clothes and she gave you a thumbsup before heading out and washing your clothes. After your long relaxing shower, you sat and drip dried for a bit before putting your Pjs on and going into the kitchen to get something to eat. Kat was at the kitchen table, and your clothes were clean and folded on the table beside her. "Hey, I cleaned your clothes, but there is still some ink left on...... sorry..."
"It's okay..... thank you for washing them!"
"No problem.... did you want something to eat? I can make you something." You shook your head.
"No you don't have to do that! I appreciate it though!" You grabbed some cereal and milk and poured yourself a bowl of cereal. You sat at the table and began eating in silence.
"So.... what's going on at work? Who's giving you trouble?"
"It's nothing.... just stressful work hours......"
"Hm....." then there was more awkward silence. Once you finished eating, you set your bowl in the sink and began your way back to your room to get some more sleep. You slumped on your bed and covered up in the covers, getting warm and going to sleep. The last good sleep you had gotten.
About a year later, the workshop was still in progress of being built. Some of the new floors had been made, episodes were coming out more frequently, but that also meant more overnight shifts. You hardly ever got any sleep. And when you did, you had horrible night terrors. Work was horrid. There was more people, more problems, more weird machines, more strange noises at night, and more ink. Always more ink. It was making you sick by just smelling it. The dreams you had at night seemed like heaven compared to working with Joey. Life at Joey Drew Studios was the true nightmare, and you didn't know how you were going to escape it.

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