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     It had been years since you had gone back to the workshop. You stood infront of the old wooden building, the autumn breeze sending chills down your neck and the sunset lowering, leaving an ominous shadow cast upon the ground you stood.

     "Almost thirty years....", you said to yourself, "... time to face it. Time to see him again. Come on Y/n.... you can do this." You sucked your breath in and took the old rusty key out of your pocket, staring at it for a bit before placing it in the lock under the knob. The 'click' sound the lock made reassured you that you wouldn't have to pull a Kat and break in. Too bad she's still in therapy, or you would have brought her with you. Even if she was old, she still knew how to use a crow bar pretty well. You sighed and chuckled as you turned the old knob, the rust rough against your gloved hand. 

     The door creaked as you opened it and you began to remember what happened in your experience with Joey Drew.

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