Silly Visions

558 21 2

Waking up, the worst part of the day. Your alarm clock rang loudly and made you groan. Looking at your clock in your drowsy state, you felt lucky to have one at the time since they weren't making any; had to save that metal in the factories for the planes and such for the war overseas. You shook your head to get your mind off of such things and got out of bed and heading to the washroom to take a quick shower. You had lived alone for the longest time, ever since your roommate went off to boot camp. It was pretty lonely, but you had your friend, one of your only friends, Kat or Katharine. She never liked her full name, so she forced everyone to call her Kat. A strange girl that Kat is, but she's always been the one to keep you out of trouble, so you're grateful for the rascal. After getting a shower and getting dressed, you went into the kitchen. Looking outside, it was another cold snowy day that winter and your car was covered with snow. Looks like another day of walking to work. You sighed and decided to skip breakfast, just like yesterday, and get on the move early. You quickly checked your calendar, the day was December 20th, 1941. It wasn't too long until Christmas. Too bad you weren't the religious type, or you'd celebrate, but you guessed not many people who worked for Joey Drew could be religious. Pretty sure making the adorable adventures of the little devil darlin' himself was against the big books words. You marked today off and got your big fluffy coat and scarf on and hastily headed to work. Getting to the workshop, the bright day reflected on the shiny metal framed sign above the door saying 'Joey Drew Studios' Sadly the shiny workshop sign didn't make up for the sad sacks that worked inside the place. You looked down to the door knob, it's almost golden shine giving you a sense of hope as you turned it and opened the door to the studio. Going into the building and closing the door behind you, the light of day faded and the busy atmosphere of the workshop came into effect. You felt your neutral face turn into a small frown as you gazed upon the somber employees of the animation studio. You were surprised to find Joey Drew himself out of that cave he calls an office and socializing with someone. That someone was Henry of course. You decided to leave them be and went to your animation station. You had to work on one of the newest episodes 'One Hell of a Christmas, Starring Bendy along with Alice Angel and other wacky characters' You were about half way done with the episode, but the production of the episode because of some problems with Alice's voice actress. Apparently the old voice actress, Susie Campbell, was replaced with Allison Pendle. Word around the shop says she got pretty bent out of shape about it. Poor girl, who knows, maybe she'll find a good job at the factory. You sighed and began to take your mind off of things to start on your animation. After what seemed days of animating and staring off into space, it was time to finally go home. As you were just about to clock out, you over heard Henry and Joey arguing in the next room. You being the nosey bunch you were, you decided to listen in.
"What do you mean you're being drafted!?"
"Joey, I'm sorry, but it's not my choice if I go or not. The letter just came in the mail and I..... I just can't stay...."
"But Henry..... I-.... we need you here! You're ideas are wonderful! You're part of this company! You're the reason Bendy's made it so far in the cartoon business!"
"I'm sorry Joey.... but I have to go."
"Henry! Henry get back here right now or.... or... or you're fired! Henry!"
Henry walked out of the room he was in and accidentally bumped into you. "Oh.... excuse me, Y/n..."
Oh wow, he actually knew your name.
"Excuse me." You replied back, not wanting to be rude. Watching Henry leave made you feel bad for Joey, they seemed really close. With a low sigh and a shake of your head, you clocked out and went home. Getting home, you realized some ink had spilled on your shirt. You frowned and felt on the spot to see if it was still wet, surprisingly it was and it spread to your thumb and down your hand. You just decided to wash your hands and change shirts, putting the stained one in the wash. You flopped onto your couch and stared up at the ceiling in thought. Thinking back to when Henry left, you swore you saw him on the brink of tears. That wasn't natural for Henry of all people, he was usually the one to keep people from crying. He and Joey were the ones to start the business, so they must have been close. You just wondered how close. Maybe you were just imagining things. Maybe you were just having silly visions.

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